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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Issue 1 Volume 16 27th Nov - 1st Dec 2023

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4. NaCSA have been providing several other materials and capacity building activities to the Commission for a successful rollout of the SSN, PSSNYE, and related projects, this gesture was the first of its kind, where the top leadership of NaCSA was physically present making such presentation to the CONTD FROM PG.1 Sample of the High End Laptop Computer donated Commission, noting that, it underscores the extent of collaboration and partnership between the two sister institutions in regard the successful implementation of their respective mandates and by extension the ‘ ’the Big Five Game Changers’’ of Government Manifesto commitments. The National Commission for Social Action and Anti - Corruption Commis- sion have been implementing partners of World Bank and Government of Sierra Leone funded projects such as the SSN and the PSSNYE. This project which is sponsored by the World Bank through the Government of Sierra Leone is aimed at reducing poverty in Sierra Leone by aiding extremely poor households in rural communities. The role of the ACC is to ensure that there is transparency in the project, and that there are established channels for beneficiaries of the project to express their grievances through the Grievance Redress Mechanism Regime. The presentation of the laptop to the Deputy Commissioner, ACC Augustine Foday Ngobie climaxed the occasion. administrative issues and the importance of procurement in the project whilst Public Relation s Officer, ACC, Sylvanus Blake took participants through the techniques, skills, and aptitudes required in engaging in an effective sensitization activity on the relevance of the ACC led Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) component to the s uccess of the PSSNYE program. Vital presentations coupled with salient contributions from other staff members of t he Commission formed part of the training exercise. By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC CONTD FROM PG.2 .protect whistle - blowers. He however advised they maximize internal audits and external audits whilst ensuring recommendations are well implemented. "I advise you maintain a gift register because you will be CONTD FROM PG.3 dealing with investors. This is in your best interest as staff. But l wi ll most importantly advise that you avoid accepting any such gift whatsoever in the conduct of your duties. I urge you all therefore to be organizing these types of anti - corruption refresher trainings regularly," he said. Head of Policy and Ethics Unit, ACC, Musa Kanteh, in his presentation, spoke about ‘Integrity’, emphasizing its importance to staff that will be concerned with dealing with investors and investments. He said the country so much relies on their character and posture in a bid for potential investors to take the country as a serious destination for investment. Mr. Kanteh climaxed his presentation with the words of Immanuel Kant: "Lose your wealth and you have lost nothing, lose your health and you have lo st something. Lose your integrity and you have lost everything." A question and answer session climaxed the training event ACC and top management of the NIB By: Amie Massaquoi; Information Officer - ACC

3. Page 3 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Thursday, 30th November, 2023, provided capacity building training to staff of the National Investment Board (NIB) at the NIB Conference Room, Lamina Sankoh Street, Freetown. Welcoming the ACC team, Executive Director of the NIB, Edward Hinga Sandy, thanked the Commission for accepting the invitation to provide capacity building training to their “newly established institution that is finding its exact strength and footings.” Mr. Sandy said that they are keen to be guided on their man- date and the very law that guides them especially on how they will coordinate with other relevant institutions. “The ACC is not just looking at graft or how much money is misappropriated, but also when you do not comply with processes and procedures," he said. Mr. Sandy implored on staff to pay rapt attention to the presentations. Director of Intelligence and Investigations, Evelyn Kuyateh, in her presentation, spoke about what gives the Commission the mandate to fight corruption, referencing the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC) and the Anti - Corruption Act of 2008 as amended in 2019. She stated that the country has one of the strongest anti - corruption laws in the continent and it takes uncompromising posture in enforcing them. She highlighted some of the corruption offences contained in the Act that are of particular relevance to the operations of the NIB; influencing a public officer, peddling influence, bid rigging, bribing a public officer to influence decision of a public body, public officer using office for advantage, conflict of interest, treating a public officer, receiving gift for corrupt purpose, failure to declare assets or flawed declaration, misuse of public property, among others. She also warned them against accruing or being in possession of ill - gotten or unexplained wealth. " The Com- mission is not saying you should not be rich as a public officer, but you should always be in the position to explain your wealth," she averred. Mrs. Kuyateh empathically talked about Section 38 of the Act, which speaks to impeding investment as a very serious offence that the NIB should wary of. Director of Prevention, Rashid Turay, explained what ‘Corruption’ is, generally, it types and what it constitutes especially within the context of Investment. He added that the fight against corruption covers the thematic areas of Procurement, Infrastructure, State - owned Enterprises, Customs Administration, Service Delivery, among others. Mr. Turay also dilated on how to identify corruption red flags in the workplace, including Conflict of Inter- est, Cosy Relationship with a Supplier, Misuse of Discretionary Powers, Lack of Rotation of Duty, Deficiency or Repeated Mistakes in Financial Transaction, Staff Resisting Internal Control Mechanism, Expensive Purchase especially by those managing resources, among others. "Relieve yourself by declaring potential conflict of interest if you are part of a Committee that should award a contract to someone that you realize you have a relationship with," he stated. He said that investors must sign an integrity pact in the award of contract and they should have police clearance. Mr.Turay asked that staff of NIB should encourage whistle - blowing mechanisms, whilst advising them to Executive Director, National Investment Board, Edward Hinga Sandy making his statement. Director of Intelligence and Investigations, Evelyn Kuyateh making her presentation at the training. CONTD PG.4 By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC Director of Prevention Rashid Turay making his presentation .

2. Page 2 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Tuesday 26th November, 2023, concluded a week - long capacity building training on Projects Management at the SLOIC Guest House Hall, Dambala Road, Bo. The training was meant to enhance the capacity of District Monitors and staff in the Projects Unit of the ACC on; Ethics, Procurement, Investigations, Public Education etc. with the aim to increase the knowledge and capacitate the Team to seamlessly implement the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) Component anchored in the Productive Social Safety Net and Youth Employment (PSSNYE) Project Delivering his statement at the commencement of the training, Deputy Commissioner, ACC, Augus- tine Foday Ngobie said the Commis- sion has recently been profoundly applauded by the World Bank and other partners, as they were well pleased with the efforts of the Commission in tackling corruption and infusing integrity in Government of Sierra Leone projects. He furthered that the Commission remains committed to this course and the training is purposed to further up skill the capacity of staff to do more exploits and continue to make significant improvements. “I commend your dedication over the years as that is why the SSN and other related projects have been a huge success which the Government, Development Partners and the people of Sierra Le- one are proud of. I therefore urge you all to remain steadfast and dedicated to this cause”, the DC underscored. ACC’s Coordinator of Operations, Emmanuel Koivaya Amara Esq. in his presentation, thrilled participants on the Anti - Corruption Legal regime, and the offences contained in the An- ti - Corruption Act of 2008 as Amended 2019 that border on the work they do. He explained the concept of corruption and corrupt practices, touching on the areas of Extortion, Bribery, Fraud, Gifts, Conflict of Interest, Impersonating a ACC Deputy Commissioner, Augus- tine Foday Ngobie making his state- ment at the opening of the training. Beneficiary, among others. Director of Intelligence and Investigations Evelyn Kuyateh also spoke on the province of investigation; its processes and procedures particularly in relation to PSSNYE corruption related cases. She gave an update on the current cases under investigations relating to the ECT3 and PSSNYE reported in April 2023. She ended her presentation by admonishing staff to remain vigilant and be in an uncompromising posture whilst carrying out their duties. The Projects Coordinator and Head of the GRM - ACC, Patrick Monrovia dilated on the Leadership and Interpersonal Relationships in the Workplace and the importance of ethics in the project implementation. ACC’s Deputy Director of Administration also presented on By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC ACC’s Coordinator of Operations, Emmanuel Koivaya Amara Esq. making his presentation. CONTD PG.4 ACC Deputy Commissioner and staff in a group photo

1. 26th Nov.–1st December 2023 Issue 1 Volume 16 INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakarr Turay EDITORS Sylvanus Blake Alex A. Bah LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M. Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Augustine Foday Ngobie Patrick Sandi gratitude for your unwavering support to us. This shows how seriously the fight against corruption is taken” , Mr. Ngobie underscored. He further said NaCSA and ACC have had very excellent partnership and result oriented relationship in ensuring that the World Bank funded projects, aimed are addressing and reducing abject poverty are implemented in a transparent manner. He assured the World Bank, the Government and NaCSA that the ACC will use the donated laptops and other items/ logistics for their intended purposes. The Deputy Commissioner also stated that though the World Bank through the Government of Sierra Leone and ported Projects, the laptops are donated to support and enhance the Commission in car- rying out its already beneficial and very impactful role in the project. He said the Anti - Corruption Commission was an essential partner to the work of NaCSA “if we are to achieve the bigger goal of His Excellency the President, Dr. Julius Maada Bio, then we must continue to work with the Anti - Corruption Commission, to ensure that the right things are done” , the NaCSA Commissioner added. He furthered that it is of importance that the ACC is well equipped as their role in implementing the World Bank projects has brought positive outcomes. The Deputy Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission, Augustine Foday Ngobie, expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to the World Bank, Government of Sierra Leone and NaCSA for their kind gesture of providing important tools for the implementation of the projects. “On behalf of the Commissioner, Management and staff of the ACC, I want to express our profound T he Deputy Commission- er of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on 29 th November, 2023, received five (5) high end Lenovo laptop computers from the Commissioner of the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA). This donation took place at the Commission’s Integrity House, Tower Hill in Freetown. Making his statement at the presentation, the Commissioner of NaCSA, Ambassador Ernest Ndomahina said as implementing partners of the Social Safety Net (SSN) and now the Productive Social Safety Net and Youth Employment (PSSNYE), World Bank and Govern- ment of Sierra Leone sup- By: Amie Massaquoi; Information Officer - ACC ACC’s Deputy Commissioner Mr. Augustine Foday Ngobie (L) receiving the laptop computers from Commissioner NaCSA Ambassador Ernest Ndomahina (R) Group Photo of ACC and NaCSA Staff at the Ceremony CONTD PG.4 The Documentation following the Donation in Display


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