An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Issue 2 Volume 26 15 - 19 July 2024

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2. Page 2 T he Anti - Corruption Commission Sierra Leone (ACC - SL) and Transparency International Sierra Leone (TI - SL) Chapter on July 11, 2024 joined other African anti - corruption nations and agencies to commemorate the African Anti - Corruption Day on the theme “Effective Whistleblowers Protection Mechanism: A Critical Too l in the Fight Against Corruption”. In July 11, 2003, the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC) was adopted in Maputo, Mozambique. The Convention came into effect in 2006 and has since then been ratified by 48 M ember States of the African Union, including Sierra Leone. This year marks the eighth edition of the Afric an Anti - Corruption Day and the 21 st anniversary of the AUCPCC. The Day was therefore set aside to give prominence to the fight against corruption by commemorating the adoption of the Convention as the tool for fighting corr uption in Africa. According to the African Union Advisory Board on Corruption, selection of the year’s continental the me is in recognition of the role of whistleblowers in the fight against corr uption. According to a joint press statement signed by the ACC - SL Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. and the Acting Executive Director of TI - SL Edward Bankoloh Kororma, “the public is reminded that full protection is provided for informants, whistleblowers and citizens under Sections 81 and 82 of the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 (as amended in 2019) and the Anti - Corruption Commission also has in place a robust Witness and Whistleblower Protection Policy covering anonymity, identity masking, security, relocation, transfer, etc. In Ma rch 2022, the ACC also re - introduced a reward and incentives scheme for informants and whistleblowers who provide useful information to the Commission in its fight against corruption.” Deliberate anti - corruption efforts have seen Sierra Leone make unprecedented gains in the fight against corruption. The most recent Afrobarometer Survey Report, Round 9, 2021/2023, covering 39 countries, ranked Sierr a Leone Government’s Performance in fighting corruption with a Score of 58 per cent, far above th e 39 - country average of 29 per cent. Sierra Leone is also ranked as one of ONLY Six (6) African countries with majority approval of their Government’s stellar performance in fighting corruption. Furthermore, Sierra Leone has moved 22 plac es upwards in the Transparency International’s Global Corruption Country Rankings, from 130 in 2017 to 108 in 2 023 . The two institutions encouraged the general public to be confident in providing useful inform ational support to the Commission and other anti - corruption bodies, including civil society organisations, as their protection is guaranteed. They noted that it is only through these concerted efforts that the country will continue to make the necessary gains in combating corruption and in building a strong and prosperous Sierra Leone.

3. Contd on Pg 4 Page 3 T he Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) in Kono on Wednesday 17 th July, 2024 held an engagement with the Motema Police Division of the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) aimed at discussing integrity messages and mainstreaming anti - corruption measures in the operations of the police. The engagement was held at the Police Divisional Headquarters in Motema Town, Kono District. Speaking at the event, ACC’s Regional Manager in Kono, Hawanatu O. Kamara, congratulated the personnel for their immense role in addressing the numerous security challenges in the nation, noting that both the ACC and SLP have similar mandates in ensuring that both donor and public property are prudently used, and life and property are well protected. Mrs Kamara informed them that the Commission is aware of the many challenges confronting them during their operations, but emphasized that they are required by law to perform their constitutional mandate with diligence, integrity and professionalism. “I therefore urge all of you here to refrain from every aspect of indiscipline and unprofessional conduct during the discharge of your mandate,” she said. Commenting on key corruption offences the police are sometimes accused of, ACC’s Senior Public Education Officer, Sam P. Gogra, mentioned, among others, paying bribes, soliciting bribes, misappropriation and embezzlement of donor or public funds and property, abuse of office and position, conspiracy, violation of procurement rules, misuse of both donor and public property, among others. He further reminded his audience that the penalties for any of the above mentioned offences include a fine of at least Fifty Million (old) Leones or a prison term of at least five years or both fine and imprisonment. He therefore cautioned them to perform their lawful duty as their mandate requires. Mr. Gogra further encouraged the personnel above grade 7 and those below but with financial responsibilities to declare their assets and liabilities online now to avoid punitive measures. ACC’s Public Education Officer, Patricia J. Sannoh, encouraged the officers to strongly support the Commission in its relentless effort in the fight against corruption by not only rejecting and resisting acts of corruption but also reporting such acts to the Commission for appropriate The ACC Team and officers of the Motema Police Division shortly after the engagement

4. Page 4 Contd from Pg 1 actions. She further announced the toll free lines of 077 - 985 - 985, 077 - 986 - 986 or 8515 (Africel) to report corruption incidences to the Commission. She also spoke on the reward scheme for informants and whistleblowers as an inducement for re porting corruption. The Local Unit Commander of the Motema Division, Murana E. Kamara, expressed gratitude for the engag ement of his staff on the various corruption prevention methods which he said, will guide their operations and improve their relationship with the public. Earlier, while welcoming the team from ACC, Support Officer attached to the Division, D aniel D. Sovula, expressed delight at the persistent efforts of the Commission in the fight against graft and t he achievements so far recorded. He encouraged his colleagues to listen to the integrity messages with utmost attention and participat e fully in the deliberations. Contd from Pg 3 Commissioner received bipartisan approval from Honorable Members of Parliament when he was approved in Parliament on 23 rd May, 2024. By: Sylvanus Blake, PRO - ACC President Dr. Maada Wonnie Bio had also on the 29 th of June, 2023, reappointed Francis Ben Kaifala Esq as Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission for his second five - year tenure. The smooth reappointment of the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner marked the first time in the Commission’s 24 - year history that a Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of the ACC have been reappointed to serve their second terms. The Francis Ben Kaifala and Augustine Foday Ngobie - led administration continues to make remarkable gains in the fight against corruption to the admirations of many across the world, especially in the African continent. There have been record recoveries of stolen wealth, convictions, reviews of systems and processes of public offices, development of policies, and unprecedented sustained excellent performances in all international and local assessments and indexes. L - R: Ahmed S. Kanu - M.D. SLNSA; Sylvanus Blake - PRO, ACC; Augustine Foday Ngobie - Deputy Commissioner, ACC; H.E. President Dr Julius Maada Bio; Mrs Salamatu Ngobie; and Abu- bakarr Turay - Deputy Director PE&O Dept., ACC

1. 15th—19th July 2024 Issue 2 Volume 26 INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakarr Turay EDITORS Sylvanus Blake Alex A. Bah LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Augustine Foday Ngobie Patrick Sandi T he Deputy Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), Augustine Foday Ngobie, has on Tuesday the 16 th of July, 2024, solemnly subscribed to the Oath of Office for his second and final five - year tenure as Deputy Commissioner of the ACC. The ceremony took place at State House before His Excellency the President of Sierra Leone, Brigadier (Retired) Dr. Maada Wonnie Bio. The Oath was administered by the Secretary to the President, Dr. Julius Sandy. President Bio congratulated Mr. Ngobie on his reappointment: “You are not a stranger to the serious nature of your sacred duty and the critical functions at the ACC. Be reminded of the weighty nature of your assigned tasks. You are assured of my support at Deputy Commissioner Augustine Foday Ngobie subscribing to the Oath led by the Secretary to the President Dr Julius Sandy, while President Dr Julius Maada Bio looks on (L - R) Deputy Commissioner Augustine Foday Ngobie, President Dr Julius Maada Bio, Mrs Salamatu Foday Ngobie and ACC Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. By: Sylvanus Blake, PRO - ACC Contd on Pg 4 President Dr Julius Maada Bio (R) gives warm handshake to the Deputy Commissioner all times.” In a brief statement, the Deputy Commissioner expressed gratitude for the confidence reposed in him by the President. He assured the President and people of Sierra Leone of his utmost best in continuing to lead the nation’s fight against corruption. It could be recalled that, on the 4th of April 2024, His Excellency the President of Sierra Leone reappointed Augustine Foday Ngobie as Deputy Commissioner of the ACC. The Deputy


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