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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Issue 2 Volume 27 22 - 26 July 2024

Public Education / Newsletters

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4. Page 4 Contd. from Pg 2 Contd. from Pg 3 environment . “I am kindly asking the Commissioner of the ACC to accept students o f the A.I Pro College to do their internship and further employ qualified students i nto the ACC in order to build our capacity,” she furthered. Madam Bestman said “as the ACC launches an Accountability Now Club (ANC) in our college, I want to encourage each and every one of us to get involved devoid of the year or department you are. We need your voices, ideas, and our commitments to create a culture of accountability and a corrupt - free A.I Pro College.” Speaking on the establishment of the institution, Registrar of the college, Dr. Adikali Sesay, said “as a progressive institution, the management had an engagement with Njala University and Ernest Bai Koroma University of Science and Technology for affiliation. The affiliation was granted and A.I Pro is now offering a range of disciplines at undergraduate level.” He said the college was registered with the Tertiary Education Commissi on with a grade B license and also accredited by the National Council for Technical and Vocational Awards (NCTVA). By: Alhaji A.K. Bangura, Senior Communications Officer Mr. Garrick said that the Commission does not work in isolation but collaboratively with other pillars of integrity to combat the scourge. He explained the benefits of reporting corruption, how to report and t he protection provided for informants and whistleblowers. The Training Manager, SLOIC, Fatoma Musa, said that SLOIC was established to provide technical skills to young people so that they can be self - reliant. Mr. Musa heaped praises on the Commission for its timely intervention to help shape the attitudes and thoughts of the students. He assured ACC of their unflinching support in combating graft and promised to institute anti - corruption measures in the management and utilization of the institution’s resources. The engagement ended with a question and answer session.

3. Contd on Pg 4 Page 3 students to prove their mettle and work diligently as the profession is a lifesaving enterprise. He said that ACC does not derive pleasure from putting people behind bars but will stop at nothing to prosecute the corrupt. He pointed out that the Commission has contributed immensely to accelerating the growth of technical education in the country. Mr Saccoh however encouraged the trainees to see themselves as valuable component to sustainable development; adding that the realization of every policy or program plan is mostly effected by the middle level skilled manpower. He shared with his audience ACC’s toll free lines of 077985985/077986986 and 8515 (Africell) which they can use to report acts of corruption. Earlier, while explaining the rationale of the meeting, ACC's Public Education Officer, David Garrick, said the visit to the institution was intended to heighten the understanding of the instructors and students on how corruption can undermine the acquisition of quality technical skills education. He assured the SLOIC administration of the Commission’s willingness to work with them to setup corruption prevention safeguards. ACC staff and a cross section of SLOIC Administration Instructors and SLOIC students listening attentively to Anti - Corruption Messages T he Southern Region Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), has interacted with instructors and students of Sierra Leone Oppor- tunities Industrialization Centre (SLOIC) in order to sensitize them on the adverse consequences of corruption to the growth of the country’s middle level manpower. The engagement was held at the SLOIC Conference Hall at Mattru Road in Bo City on Wednesday, 10 th July, 2024. Speaking to staff and students of SLOIC, ACC’s Senior Public Education Officer, Abdulai Saccoh, described the engagement as a show of the Commission's willingness to infuse integrity values in the minds of young Sierra Leoneans. Mr Saccoh lauded the efforts of the administration for nurturing the nation’s human resource. He acknowledged that in the midst of the challenges young people are confronted with, yet they decided to transform their lives through the acquisition of unique skills that would add value to their lives. The Senior Public Education Officer admonished the

2. Page 2 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) has en- gaged staff and students of the A.I Professional College as part of the Commission’s efforts to share vi- tal messages on issues of examination malpractice and other forms of academic malpractices. The event took place on Monday 8 th July, 2024 at the institution’s Kingtom main campus in Freetown. Giving an overview on the work of ACC and key corruption - related issues, Senior Communications Officer, ACC, Alhaji A.K Bangura, emphasized on the several gains made by the Commission under the leadership of Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. ranging from the impressive international transparency indices to the huge monies recovered. Mr. Bangura explained some of the corruption offences in the education sector, and their corresponding penalties as provided for under the Anti - Corruption Act 2008 (as amended in 2019). He said that pursuant to the said Act, all forms of academic malpractices are criminal offences that attract, upon conviction, a fine of not less than Fifty Thousand (New) Leones or a jail term of not less than five (5) years, or both such fine and imprisonment. He warned the students By: Alhaji A.K. Bangura, Senior Communications Officer against making attempts to induce lecturers to get an undue advantage, stating that it is a punishable of- fence, whilst admonishing lecturers not to yield to such demands. “Sections 28 and 33 of the 2008 Anti - corruption Act (as amended in 2019) criminalize bribery and corrupting a public officer, respectively,” he emphasized. Public Relations Officer, ACC, Sylvanus Blake, also spoke on the corruption offences, and the importance of the Assets Declaration exercise. He encouraged the students and University authorities to refrain from any act of corruption. Communications Officer, ACC, Dolly A. Issa, explained the importance of reporting acts of corruption to the ACC, adding that there is adequate protection of informants and whistleblowers, while Senior Communications Officer Margaret Jones shared the Commission’s toll - free lines of 077 - 985 - 985, 077 - 986 - 986 and 8515 (Africell) to the students in order to report acts of corruption. While speaking on the purpose of the engagement, an intern at the ACC, Genevie M. Coker, said that ACC extended its outreach to the college because the Commission recognized the institution’s contributions to national development. “One of the aims of the Commission is to instill ethical aptitude and integrity in young people, she said. While making her welcome address earlier, Students’ Union President of the college, Alice Bestman, expressed her profound appreciation to the ACC for the sensitization drive. She assured the Commission of their institution’s commitment to instilling integrity, ACC Staff and Students of AI Pro after the Engagement Contd. on Pg 4

1. 22nd—26th July 2024 Issue 2 Volume 27 INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakarr Turay EDITORS Sylvanus Blake Alex A. Bah LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M. Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Augustine Foday Ngobie Patrick Sandi contrary to Sections 36 (1) and 128 (1) respectively, of the Anti - Corruption Act of 2008 (as amended in 2019). ANWAR MICHAEL SEISAY and TEJAN KARGBO were declared WANTED by the Commission on the 18 th July, 2024 and are still at large. If seen, members of the public are encouraged to please report to the ACC on +23277 - 985 - 985, +23277 - 986 - 986, or the nearest Police Station. ANWAR MICHAEL SEISAY (WANTED ( TE JAN KARGBO WANTED) Contd on Pg 4 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) has declared two staff of the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Agency wanted. The two staff are ANWAR MICHAEL SEISAY , Procure- ment Officer of the Agency and a resident of Bangura Leigh Drive, Tengbeh Town, and TEJAN KARGBO , Assistant Finance Officer of the Agency and a resident of Kissy, Freetown, Western Area Urban of the Republic of Sierra Leone. The two are wanted by the Commission for the alleged Misappropriation of Public Funds and Conspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence,


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