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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Issue 2 Volume 28 29 July - 2 August 2024

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4. Page 4 Contd. from Pg 1 Contd. from Pg 3 In his submission, the Chairman of the team, Umaru Fofana intimated the President that, the session is really to listen and tap into his deep knowledge and insight into how the fight against corruption should be in the next five (5) years of the implementation of the NACS. Responding, the President lauded the people of Sierra Leone for their acceptance of the fight against corruption. “It is very helpful that as a nation we have agreed to take this fight seriously” he added. President Bio. also acknowledged that corruption is dynamic. “Corruption always tries to change its form. It mutates. Therefore, strategies employed to control it must be robust and dynamic”. The President further attributed corruption to a living thing, which always finds new ways and patterns to navigate systems. He told his audience that the available punitive systems should be effectively applied and improved upon to tackle corruption's dynamic nature. The President also likened corrupt persons to drug dealers, who know the risks associated with their trade but due to its lucrative nature still engage in it and try to navigate systems to get away with it. As such, the President emphasized that technology must be deployed and if properly utilized will eliminate human contacts, which will reduce corrupt practices considerably and also make corruption detection easy. The Team of Experts also raised the issue of sustainability on the gains made in the fight against Miss George stated that the identity of all witnesses and informants is never disclosed and there are strong protections for all informants and witnesses, and also potential for rewards. “The success of the project and the overall development of this nation will only be achieved through the cooperation and participation of you all,” she said. The events were climaxed by question and answer sessions; all of the questions were adequate ly responded to by Mr Blake. corruption after the President shall have left office. Responding, the President noted that the fight against corruption always REQUIRES Presidential and Political Will from the person who will take after me and the person who will be appointed Commissioner of the ACC. The Two would have to work for the interest of the people of Sierra Leone and not for their selfish ends. Concluding, the President urged the Team of Experts to meet with the Minister of Finance to get his views and thoughts regarding the late disbursement of subventions/allocations to Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), a resounding concern raised during the stakeholders’ consultations across the country. The valid point on the deployment of technology in the day - to - day affairs of MDAs was buttressed by Ibrahim Tommy Esq., who even furthered that it will be very remarkable for Sierra Leone when such action is legislated. In spite of its expensive nature, it was agreed by the team that the use of technology in the fight will address half of the corruption issues, especially in revenue mobilizing and generating public institutions. It could be recalled that, sometime last year, the ACC put together a team of experts comprising eight (8) local consultants to craft the 5th Generation of the NACS. The team has Umaru Fofana as its Chairman, including other members namely; Madam Koloneh Sankoh, Valnora Edwin, Kabb e Koroma, Mohamed Abu Sesay, Ibrahim Tommy, Esq., Alfred Kamanda Esq., and Jonathan Kpakiwa. It is expected that the National Anti - Corruption Strategy 2024 - 2028 development will be concluded later this year which will be followed by its formal Launch and subsequent Implementation . By: Bernard Abass Kargbo, Public Education Officer ACC By: Martina George, Communications Officer, ACC.

1. 29TH July— 2nd August 2024 Issue 2 Volume 28 INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakarr Turay EDITORS Sylvanus Blake Alex A. Bah LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M. Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Augustine Foday Ngobie Patrick Sandi Excellency Brig. (Rtd.) Dr. Julius Maada Bio at State House, in Freetown. The interactive meeting was in a bid for the team to sum up the consultation process and conclude the Strategy crafting, having held nationwide stakeholders’ consultations across the private and public sectors. The consultation exercise with the President is necessitated by the Presidential Will manifested in strengthening and deepening the conversation and civic space in the fight against corruption. Presenting the Team of Experts to the President, the ACC boss, underscored that, the team comprised well - grounded Sierra Leoneans in diverse fields and have brought them together to craft the 5th Generation Strategy. Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala furthered that the process of stakeholders' consultations will not end, until the Team hears from the President, listen to his thoughts in the fight since he has demonstrated unparalleled leadership and unwavering commitment to the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone. H.E Brigadier Rtd. Dr. Julius Maada Bio flanked by Francis Ben Kaifala Esq., Commissioner (Head) ACC (Right) and Umaru Fofana, Chairman, NACS Team of Experts (Left). H.E Brigadier (Rtd.) Dr. Julius Maada Bio (middle), Francis Ben Kaifala Esq., Commissioner (Head) ACC (Left) and Umaru Fofana, Chairman NACS Team of Experts (Right). Contd. on Pg 4 T he indigenous Team of Experts, contracted by the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) to craft the 5th Generation of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy (NACS) 2024 - 2028, led by the Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commis- sion, (ACC), Francis Ben Kaifala Esq., on Thursday 1st August, 2024, held consultation with His By: Bernard Abass Kargbo, Public Education Officer ACC Group photo with H.E Bio after the consultation by the Team of Experts

3. Page 3 Education Officer, Sam P. Gogra, mentioned, among others, paying bribes, soliciting bribes, misappropriation and embezzlement of donor or public funds and property, abuse of office and position, conspiracy, violation of procurement rules, misuse of both donor and public property, among others. He further reminded his audience that the penalties for any of the above mentioned offences include a fine of at least Fifty Thousand (New) Leones or a prison term of at least five years or both fine and imprisonment. He therefore cautioned them to perform their lawful duty as their mandate requires. Mr. Gogra further implored the personnel above grade 7 and those below but with financial responsibilities to declare their income assets and liabilities online now to avoid punitive measures. In her submission, ACC’s Public Education Officer, Patricia J. Sannoh, encouraged the officers to strongly support the Commission in its relentless effort in the fight against corruption by not only rejecting and resisting acts of corruption but also reporting such acts to the Commission for appropriate actions. She further read out the toll - free lines of 077 - 985 - 985, 077 - 986 - 986 or 8515 (Africell) to report any suspected corruption incidences to the Commission. She also spoke on the reward scheme for informants and whistleblowers as an incentive for reporting corruption. The Local Unit Commander of the Motema Division, Murana E. Kamara, in his presentation, expressed gratitude for the engagement with his staff on the various corruption prevention methods which he said, will guide their operations and improve their relationship with the public. Earlier, while welcoming the team from ACC, Support Officer attached to the Division, Daniel D. Sovula, expressed delight at the sustained efforts of the Commission in the fight against graft and the achievements so far recorded. He urged his colleagues to listen to the integrity messages with utmost attention and participate fully in the deliberations. The ACC Team and officers of the Motema Police Division in group photo after the engagement T he Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) in Kono on 17 th July, 2024 held an engagement with the Motema Police Division of the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) aimed at discussing integrity messages and mainstreaming anti - corruption measures in the operations of the police. The engagement was held at the Police Divisional Headquarters in Motema Town, Kono District. Speaking at the event, ACC’s Regional Manager in Kono, Hawanatu O. Kamara, congratulated the personnel for their immense role in addressing the numerous security challenges in the nation, noting that both the ACC and SLP have similar mandates in ensuring that both donor and public property are prudently used, and life and property are well protected. Mrs. Kamara informed them that the Commission is aware of the many challenges confronting them during their operations, but emphasized that they are required by law to perform their constitutional mandate with diligence, integrity and professionalism. “I therefore urge all of you here to refrain from every aspect of indiscipline and unprofessional conduct during the discharge of your mandate,” she said. Commenting on key corruption offences the police are sometimes accused of, ACC’s Senior Public

2. Page 2 By: Martina George, Communications Officer, ACC. Public Relations Officer, ACC, Sylvanus Blake addressing the beneficiaries and other community members Contd on Pg 4 Cross Section of Beneficiaries at the engagement. on the role of the ACC in the PSSNYE project and encouraged the community members to take advantage of the project by ensuring that they use the opportunities that are provided to improve their lives and livelihoods. He admonished beneficiaries to use the funds and skills provided to them judiciously to emancipate themselves from the ravaging effects of abject poverty. “The Government of Sierra Leone and World Bank started the now concluded and very successful Social Safety Net (SSN) project with about 7 million dollars and concluded with over 50 million dollars. They kept allocating grants to the project because it was apparent that the funds were being utilized appropriately and for the intended purposes. There was no risk of corruption undermining the health and integrity of the project. We all did it,’’ he stated. Mr Blake went on state that because of the success of the SSN, the PSSNYE started with an initial grant of 42 million dollars. “The PSSNYE project has now incorporated the aspect of Youth Employment and Employability, Economic Inclusion, including the Unconditional Cash Transfer components as some of its key components. I believe this project like the SSN will be implemented without corruption. To achieve this, you on the back end, have to ensure no one extorts from you or perpetrates corruption. You don’t get involved in any form of corruption either. The ACC will take prompt actions against any person who attempts to derail the smooth implementation of the project. It is ours to hold so dear, guard vigilantly, and ensure it succeeds. There is the likelihood for more funds to be provided so that many more people will benefit and come out of poverty,” he said. Communications Officer, Martina George, encouraged the beneficiaries to ensure that they report any suspected corruption issues or grievances to the ACC by contacting the Commission’s deployed community and district monitors, calling the ACC toll - free lines of 077 - 985985, 077 - 986986, 8515, visiting the ACC Regional Offices to make complaints in person, or the use of the Commission’s website at www.anticorruption.gov.sl . T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) has engaged beneficiaries and other stakeholders of the Productive Social Safety Net and Youth Employment (PSSNYE) project in three areas in the eastern region of the country. The 42 - million dollars project of the Government of Sierra Leone is funded by the World Bank and UNICEF and will run for a period of five years. The team from the ACC's Public Education and External Outreach Department conducted the sensitization assisted by the ACC's Eastern Regional Office in Kenema and Sub - Regional Office in Kono on the need for all stakeholders to uphold transparency and accountability in the project, report all suspected instances of alleged corruption and grievances to the ACC, and own up the various components of the project, which is being implemented for the socio - economic emancipation of poor and vulnerable beneficiaries across the implementation areas. The three events were held in Shenge, Nemiyama chiefdom in Kono district, Maloma community, Nja chiefdom in the Kailahun district, and Serabu community in the Kenema district. The events, which were held on the 29th, 30th and 31st of July, 2024 respectively, were meant to convey messages on the PSSNYE project and its Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) component, which the ACC is handling. Some of the messages delivered by the team during the well - attended meetings were; the various components of the PSSNYE project, categories of expected beneficiaries and how beneficiary communities and households are selected, verified, and enrolled. The audiences were also informed about the expected benefits of the unconditional cash transfers and the other four components of the project, and the need for all to ensure a corrupt - free implementation of the project. Speaking at the various engagements, Public Relations Officer of the ACC, Sylvanus Blake, spoke


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