2. 2. Bank Name: Union Trust Bank Account Name: Revenue from Sale of Bidding Sub Treasury Account Number: 210113253 - 01 BBAN: 00 - 4001113253120144 3. Bank Name: Sierra Leone Commercial Bank Account Name: Revenue from Sale of Bidding Sub Treasury Account Number: 003001081791112183 4. Bank Name: Rokel Commercial Bank Account Name: Reve nue from Sale of Bidding Sub Treasury Account Number: 02 - 011012428 BBAN: 002001002101242863 Bids must be m ark ed on the outer envelope “SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF BUSES ” and delivered to the address below on or before 12:0 0 noon on the 6 th December, 20 22 . All bids must be accompanied by: Bid Security of 5 0 ,000 ( Fifty T housand New Leones) from a reputable Commercial Bank a valid NRA T ax Clearance C ertificate A copy of a valid NASSIT Certificate A copy of a valid Business Registration Certificate A valid Municipal License Catalogue/ Brochure Bids will be opened on 6 th December, 2022 at 12:0 0noon , in the presence of bidders or their representatives who may choose to attend, at the address below. Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened to bidders. Procurement Manager Anti - Corruption Commission Cathedral House 3 Gloucester Street Freetown Tel: +23279984409 Email: kargbojames@yahoo.com DATE OF ISSUE : 8 th Novem ber , 2022
1. ADVERTIS E MENT Invitation for Bids ANTI CORRUPTION COMMISSION NATIONAL COMPETI TIVE BIDDING SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 50 SEATER BUSES Proc u rement Number: ACC/ADMIN/NCB/0 13 /20 22 The Anti - Corruption Commission has allocated funds for the procurement of BUSES and now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of: NO PRODUCT QUANTITY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION BID SECURITY ( N Le) 1 BUS 2 5 0 SEATER BUSES, 6 Cylinder, Dies el Engine and 5 forward Transmission 5 0,000 Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding procedure in accordance with the National Public P rocurement Authority (NPPA) Act , 2016 and b idding is open to all suppliers who can demonstrate the ability to supply the correct sp ecification of the aforesaid goods within the specified time period . Interested bidders may obtain further information and inspect the bidding document at the address below between the hours of 10:00am to 3:00 pm Monday to Friday. Bidding document may be purchased upon the payment of a non - refundable fee of Le 500 (Five Hundred New Leones) for each Bidding Document to a nominated B ank A ccount as detailed below; 1. Bank Name: Bank of Sierra Leone Single Treasury Account Details Account Name: Revenue from Sale of Bidding Documents Account Number: 0111003981 BBAN: 000001011100398165
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