An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

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WEEKLY NEWS LETTER Issue 2 Volume 9 18-22nd March 2024

Public Education / Newsletters

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3. Page 3 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) is profoundly concerned with enabling young people to imbibe the values of integrity, transparency, and accountability as they constitute a critical segment of the country’s pop- ulation. In light of this and as part of its robust public education efforts, the Commission’s Northern Regional Office held an engagement with trainees of the Sierra Leone Opportunities Industrialization Centre (SLOIC) on the Institute’s Makeni campus on Thursday, March 7, 2024. Delivering the keynote statement at the meeting, Aiah Sourie, Senior Public Education Officer, instanced the effects of corruption including weak public institutions; bad governance; huge losses of public funds that limit Government’s ability to deliver on its mandate; a dearth of foreign investors; and pent - up public resentment that could burst into civil conflict. But given his audience, Mr. Sourie underlined the impact of the scourge on young people and why they should inculcate values such as integrity and honesty. According to the senior officer, corruption hinders the potential of young people by creating an unfair and unjust environment that deprives them of opportunities for growth and development. This, he underscored, is mostly done when depraved public officials divert funds for the implementation of youth empowerment projects. Consequently, he added, this sad situation makes young people unemployable or underemployed and exploited while a bleak future awaits them. However, the officer brought to the attention of his audience that young people are perpetrators just as they are victims of corruption. He pointed out that youths, for example, pay unscrupulous public officers bribes to obstruct the course of justice when they are in trouble with the law, or even for services they deserve. Not only do they pay bribes in the streets, they also pay bribes for grades in learning institutions. ‘What is more pathetic is the fact that young people hero - worship public officials who have stolen their future through corruption. This has to stop but you should adopt integrity as good citizens.’ Mr. Sourie averred. In his opening remarks as chairman of the awareness - raising engagement, Abdul Karim Bangura, ACC’s Senior Public Education Officer, urged the trainees to wean themselves of any and all actions that impinge on the development strides of the country. He further entreated them to join the ACC in its cause to achieve a corruption - free country where the socio - Senior Public Education Officer, Aiah P. M Sourie delivering the keynote state- ment at the engagement SLOIC trainees listening to the anti - graft messages economic needs of every citizen are secured. In addition, Mr. Bangura as- sured the young entrepreneurs in train- ing that the actualization of their dreams largely rests with the vision of the ACC, which they should religiously support and protect. He further guaranteed the trainees that ACC is always ready to work with young people across the country. According to Mr. Bangura, the Anti - graft Commission closely works with learning institutions with the aim to instil values in pupils, students as well as trainees for productive leadership now and in future. He illustrated, ‘The ACC forms Integrity Clubs in schools and Accountability Now Clubs in Tertiary Institutions, which serve as structures to support pupils and students to develop values that guard against all forms of corruption.’ The National Executive Director of SLOIC, Ben A. Sei, thanked the ACC for the engagement and requested for further interactions to remind the trainees of the importance of fighting against corruption. He added that the SLOIC has been supporting young people achieve their dreams and make meaningful contribution to society over the decades, and ‘this is because our institute has upheld and continues to uphold integrity.’ The meeting ended successfully with the support of Fatimetou Khdiem and Emmanuel Sheriff, ACC District Monitors of Bombali and Tonkolili Districts respectively, and Jennifer Sesay, Data Operator.

4. Contd from Pg 1 According to the Ombudsman, “the Office of the Ombudsman aim to raise awareness on its mandate which serves a Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM), to investigate and take actions and resolve complaint s from members of the public who have suffered injustice as a result of maladministration by government agencies”, adding that, it is in light of this he has been paying courtesy visit to government institutions to ensure collaborative adminis tration in public sector for good service delivery. Ending his statement, the Ombudsman encouraged public officials to be diligent in their work. “ When we lead, or play a role in public institutions, let us have it in mind that our roles in offices shall come to an end, while the offices are in perpetuity. Let us please set systems in place, that will help the institutions work better and in the interest of the State, so when we are away, we cannot be victims of what we set up” he underscored. The Existing MOU between the ACC and the Office of the Ombudsman intends for both institutions to work cooperatively to identify issues relating to corruption and maladministration, and to develop strat egies to enhance the performance of their respective responsibilities. The interactive meeting which marked the courtesy visit was chaired by the Director, Public Education and External Outreach, ACC, Patrick Sandi. Page 4 By: Amie Massaquoi, Information Officer, ACC ACC staff and Girls Empowerment Network after the engagement T he Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) in Kono on Wednesday 6 th March, 2024, held a partnership meeting with the Girls Empowerment Network on partnership and collaboration in the fight against corruption in Kono district. The meeting was held at the Commission’s Regional Office at Sanssie Street in Koidu City. Welcoming the executive and members of the organisation, AC- C’s Regional Manager in Kono, Hawanatu O. Kamara, expressed gratitude to the organi- sation for taking the crucial step of joining the national fight against corruption. She highlight- ed some of the activities of the Commission, such as the ‘Meet the Schools’ campaign, the es- tablishment of integrity and ac- countability now clubs in schools and colleges, community and partnership meet- ings, radio discussion programmes, etc. “Integrity, transparency and accountability are important values every Institution should mainstream in their work place, she added. The Manager continued that In- tegrity is one of the key attributes one has to attain in order to gain public trust , and reminded them of some credible institutions in the district the Commission has part- nered with in the fight against corruption. As your organisation comprises mainly young pupils, it is prudent that you speak up against corruption within your schools, communities and among your peers,” she furthered. In his presentation, ACC’s Senior Public Education Officer in Kono, Sam P. Gogra, extended his appreciation to the organisation for the engagement and appealed that they continue to support the Commission and serve as whistle - blowers by reporting corruption related matters in schools, communities and public offices for appropriate actions. He assured them that the Commission has in place mechanisms/schemes to reward and protect whistle - blowers and witnesses who give cogent information to the Commission. ACC’s Public Education Officer, Kono, Patricia J. Sannoh, appealed to the youth to refrain from immoral conducts that will undermine the integrity and credibility of their institution. On how to report corruption to the ACC, she said members of the public should make use of the toll free lines of 077 - 985985 and 077 - 986986 or report in person to the Commission’s Regional Office. She also highlighted some of the gains made by the Commission under the astute leadership of Commissioner, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. Earlier in the meeting, the President of Girls Empowerment Network, Esther Grace Saquee, gave a brief background to their organisation, stating that it was formed to raise awareness about the harmful effects of academic malpractices in schools, teenage pregnancy, early marriage and child bearing, sexual harassment and domestic violence, among others. She applauded the Commission for such a wonderful engagement and assured the her of their fullest support at all times.

2. By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC Page 2 A t the annual prize giving ceremony of the United Christian Church (UCC) School, the Coordinator of Operations of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Emmanuel Koivaya Amara Esq. has told pupils of the school about the need to develop a positive mindset at their formative stage. He was speaking as Guest Speaker of the ceremony held on Thursday 7 th March, 2024 at the school’s grounds, Tower Hill, in Freetown. Speaking on the topic, ‘Developing a Successful Mindset towards the Future ’, Mr Amara stated the importance of having a successful mindset at their formative stage, referencing what Zig Ziglar’s observed that a “positive mindset will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.” He said that there are no easy routes to success, adding that the path to it is immersed with thorns and rocks and rarely a smooth sailing one. However, he maintained that a person with a positive mindset views challenges as opportunities for growth and learning by manifesting sheer perseverance in the face of adversity, adapting strategies as needed, and emerging stronger and more determined than ever be- fore. “A positive mindset is but the incentive that breeds the much needed resilience that allows us not to succumb to setbacks and failures, yet reignite our spirits: gives us the courage to brave through any of those. Some of you were not born in homes with gilded luxuries and sheer privileges. You came from humble yet challenging backgrounds. But there are replete of examples of people who have come from backgrounds like those and were able to rise to acme of society. They envisioned it, believe in themselves and were poised to change the narrative,” he admonished. Mr . Amara encouraged the pupils to dream big and take required actions towards actualizing them. “What is your dream? Where do you see yourself in five or ten years? These are very important questions you should ask and be reminding yourselves with. Next year, I desire topping my class. I Emmanuel Koivaya Amara Esq. Coordinator of Operations, ACC speaking at the engagement Pupils at the ceremony desire to have been admitted to study Law, Medicine or Accounting and graduate in the next five years. Being grounded in clarity of vision is very key. It is important to define clear goals and objectives for the future, and then devise a strategic plan to attain them,” he underscored. He encouraged them not to succumb or get paralyzed by fear, whilst entreating them to build firm relationships and be mutually empathetic as they seek common grounds. He noted that in a world that appears to be sharply divided, collaboration is important. He emphasized on the importance of continuous learning and willingness to take calculated risks in this cause. He however resounded the importance of integrity as a personal value and incentive for success. “It is a vital ten- et for success. It requires you doing the right things even when not being watched. Let it be a guiding torch directing your steps and conducts. Don’t trade it. Be the next crop of leaders carefully educated and well robed with the values of integrity,” he concluded .

1. 18th — 22nd March 2024 Issue 2 Volume 9 INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakarr Turay EDITORS Sylvanus Blake Alex A. Bah LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Augustine Foday Ngobie Patrick Sandi which speaks greater things” he said. He commended the Ombudsman for taking the step to raise awareness about the office and what it does, as only the office will be able to tell its sto- ry with the right information and narrative. He fur- thered that, the Commission is more than willing to extend its support where needed. Mr. Ngobie assured the Ombudsman that the ACC will continue to collaborate with them as they share some of the same offences such as, abuse of office. Stating the purpose of visit, the Ombudsman, Tejan Ahmed Israel Jah expressed his sincere gratitude to the ACC Deputy Commissioner, Au- gustine Foday Ngobie, and team for granting their request to pay a visit to the Commission as this will serve as a gateway for the Office of the Om- budsman to familiarize with the ACC and vice ver- sa. He furthered that the visit is informed by the need for the two offices to work together as they share a common goal concerned with administrative accountability and transparency. T he Ombudsman of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Tejan Ahmed Israel Jah Esq., together with his team, has on the 13 th March 2024, paid a courtesy visit to the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) at its Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown. The courtesy visit is a bridge for the new Ombudsman to familiarize with the ACC, as both institutions two years ago signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and are in the accountability and good governance space. In his statement, the Deputy Commissioner, ACC, Augustine Foday Ngobie commended the Ombudsman and his team for seeking interest in the ACC. “The relationship between the two sister Institutions has existed since their establishment, and has been formalized through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (L) ACC’s Deputy Commissioner, Au- gustine Foday Ngobie and (R) Ombudsman Tejan Ahmed Isreal Jah Esq. in warm shake Contd on pg 4 By: Amie Massaquoi, Information Officer, ACC Group photo after the visit The meeting of the courtesy visit in progress


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