An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Issue 2 Volume 1 22- 26 Jan 2024

Public Education / Newsletters

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4. T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) through a Team of Expert Consultants, on Thursday 18 th January 2024 engaged Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in continuation of the ongoing stakeholder consultation for the crafting of the 5 th generation NACS at the Commission’s Conference Hall, Integrity House at Tower Hill, Freetown. The engagement attracted participants from a cross - section of MDAs, CSOs, and the media, who were invited to shed light on issues bordering their everyday encounters with corruption and to proffer recommendations for these problems. Welcoming the participants, Deputy Commissioner Augustine Foday Ngobie, highlighted the importance of crafting a very good strategy in fighting corruption, as it is the bedrock upon which the fight will be structured in the next 5 years. For this reason, he said their involvement and ideas will be of essence to the crafting. Mr. Ngobie noted that “ corruption is against the survival of humanity, as it hinders the survival of every citizen ”. He continued by informing his audience that curbing corruption should be the utmost concern of all present. Mr. Ngobie underpins the importance of including everyone in the development of this strategy, to ensure a corrupt - free society, noting that the input of all participants will be highly cherished. He ended by encouraging all participants, to work in tandem with the commission to end this menace called corruption. Director of the NACS Secretariat Nabilahi - Musa Kamara, in his statement during the engagement, informed his audience that the creation of the NACS stemmed from the decision of Sierra Leone to sign the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) which makes it mandatory for members to develop a National Anti - Corruption Strategy. He explained that The National Anti - Corruption Strategy is the road - map to fighting corruption and building the internal structures of MDAs and Local Councils. In developing the strategy, the UNCAC states that a national consultation must be conducted to get the views of the majority of the citizenry. “...the convention indicates that in developing this strategy we should talk to a large section of people in the country, as it should have a wider participation where people will have their say on issues bothering corruption.” Mr. Kamara said. He continued by assuring them that their input would be a part of the strategy and no one would be indicted or intimidated for sharing his views on how the fight against corruption should be conducted in the next 5 years. He cautioned his audience that the strategy is to build stronger institutions that will stand the test of time to combat corrupt practices. Chairperson of the Team of Experts, Kebbe Kouroma started by informing participants that, they should own the meeting, as the engagement is not for ACC but for the invited participants who will inform the decision that will lead to the crafting of a successful document in fighting corruption in Sierra Leone, “this meeting belongs to the people that have been invited,... we have come here to listen to you, learn from you, and then take important notes to build a strategy that will work for the ACC and the country as a whole going forward”. Mr. Kouroma challenged his audience to dig deep within themselves and bring out what they feel are the issues related to corruption in their various institutions, what are the causes of corruption, and what solutions they will proffer to combat its existence. The engagement was climaxed with submissions from different participants who showed great commitment and desire to proffer solutions that the Team of Experts will incorporate in developing the strategy. By: Bernard Abass Kargbo - Public Education Officer, ACC Deputy Commissioner, Augustine Foday Ngobie, guiding the process as the Expert Team plans to con- tinue consultations

3. Page 3 T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on 25th January, 2024 engaged the Informal Sector - the Kroo - Town Road Market Women on anti - corruption issues. In his presentation and opening remarks, the Chairman of the Kroo - town Road Market Area, Abdulai Bah, thanked the ACC for the tremendous efforts in curbing corruption in Sierra Leone, noting the recent achievements made singling out the recovery of Eight Billion, Six Hundred Million (Old) Leones (Le8.6BN) from some corrupt individuals. Giving a comprehensive overview of the work of the Commission, the Head of the External Outreach Unit, ACC, Al - Hassay Sesay, emphasised on the recent achievements made by the Commission ranging from the recoveries made from the Ministry of Finance and Sierra Leone Roads Authority (SLRA) to the Hon. Umar Paran Tarawally and his wife issues. Mr. Sesay further encouraged the market women to partner with the ACC in the fight against corruption. “A handsome reward will be given to whistle - blowers, and this is not the time to say "nor to me biznes" he averred. Earlier, whilst dilating on the purpose of the engagement, Senior Communications Officer, Alhaji A.K. Bangura told the market women that the Commission deemed it prudent to take the fight against corruption to challenging places in order to solicit the support of the people. He emphasized that the Commission is now paying keen attention to the informal sector, especially the market women who are often not well informed of the work of the ACC and the ill - effects of corruption on their welfare and well - being. Speaking on the role of market wom- en in the fight against corruption, Public Education Officer, ACC, Shiaka Kamara explained that they should make sure the products they sell to members of the public are genuine and of the correct quality. He further said that the public is concerned about the adulteration of palm and vegetable oil etc., which hinges on acts of wrongdoing that would amount to corrupt practices. Further in his statement, he underscored that market women are very influential in their own domain as they have the capacity to create job opportunities for the youth and provide food security for citizens. The women must resist any form of corruption and report any corrupt practices suspected, Mr. Kamara urged. Martina George, Communications Officer, ACC, in her submission, explained to the market women the methods of reporting any suspected acts of corruption. She furthered that, “This fight is not a one man show. It's a collective exercise, as collective efforts make progress and produce results." Climaxing the engagement and on behalf of the Commission, the Head of External Outreach Unit, Al - Hassan Sesay presented ACC - IEC materials to the market women. By: Alhaji A.K Bangura, Senior Communications Officer, ACC Al - Hassay Sesay, Head of the External Outreach Unit, ACC addressing the Market Women. Martina George, Communications Officer, ACC explaining the different methods of reporting suspected corruption to the ACC .

2. Page 2 reforms and activities to inject integrity and maximize academic excellence. He added that, the Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala is an academic too, with wealth of knowledge and experience from various continents that continue to shape his perspectives and approaches. This Mr. Sandi furthered is what informs the Commissioner’s spirit coupled with his firm desire to make Sierra Leone a better nation. The MaMJGEF which is a non - profit organization providing educational resources, offering scholarships and creating opportunities for those in need, has this award Ceremony as its pinnacle event to recognize excellent scholars, graduates, institutions and individuals impacting the edu- cational sector. The Awards Ceremony was graced by noble institutions promoting Education, exceptional Students in Schools and Universities across the Country, and various educational Stakeholders who were also Awarded. A t the Maiden Edition of the National Education Champions Awards 2023 Ceremony, organized by the Mamie Mariama Justice Ganawah Education Foundation (MaMJGEF) at Hotel Cabenda, Freetown, on Saturday 26 th January, 2024, the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) and its Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. bagged Awards, firstly for the Commission’s Eminent Contributions in Injecting Integrity and Addressing Academic Malpractices affecting the Educational Sector , and secondly, a life time Achievers Award to the Commissioner of the ACC , for his achievements in the fight against corruption. With this year’s theme on “Celebrating Education Champions” , the ACC received an Education Champions Award with the citation noting the Contributions of the Commission particularly with the activities of its Elite Scorpion Squad in Curbing Examination Malpractice and formation of policies aimed at addressing such menace. The Commissioner was also awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award for instituting these reforms that aims at sanitizing the academic sector. Receiving these Awards on behalf of the Commission and Commissioner, at this auspicious ceremony, Director of Public Education and External Outreach Department, Patrick Sandi, thanked the Foundation for organizing such events that underscored the importance of education as the fundamental cornerstone for development. Mr. Sandi said the ACC is cognizant of this fact, which has substan- tially informed its By: A l ex A . Ba h, P ub l ic Rela t io n s A s s i s t a n t , ACC Director, Public Education and External Outreach Department, Patrick Sandi receiving the Award on behalf of the Commission and Commissioner . National Education Champion Award to the ACC National Education Champion Award to the ACC

1. 22nd—26th January 2024 Issue 2 Volume 1 INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakarr Turay EDITORS Sylvanus Blake Alex A. Bah LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Augustine Foday Ngobie Patrick Sandi multiple layers of interest ranging from Social, Personal, and Other People’s Interest, among others that are many considerations within legal systems and most specifically among Judges. “I am not here to break your zeal, I came here so that you ask more questions. I want you to have conversations on these to guide you as you become lawyers, give you your sanity and above all show you how to make money without being dishonest”, he averred. A period of question and answer session climaxed the awe - inspiring lecture. sarily involving the King. He continued that as things developed, laws and courts were created to bind and regulate the behavioral patterns of citizens, thereby to a very large extent, eroded “consent”. Commissioner Kaifala added that in the firm interest of dispute resolution and in ensuring that the society does not resort to a state of nature, a triadic dispute settlement means was created. He not- ed that this triadic settlement is the most coercive with Judges supposed to be independent and honest. He however underscore that as a mark of its coercion, parties to a matter are left with no option than to heed to the structure of the State regardless of any reasonable question surrounding the honesty, credibility and independence of Judges, hence the State vs a said party. “Justice may happen here but I want you to cancel the independence notion”, he noted. He advanced that there are T he Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission Sierra Leone, (ACC - SL) Francis Ben Kaifala Esq., on Friday 26th January, 2024 thrilled students of the Sierra Leone Law School, Jomo Kenyatta Road, Freetown with an intriguing lecture delivered as the Guest Lecturer. The Lecture was themed on the Court Systems - their supposed roles as opposed to their actual mode of operation. Delineating on the said topic, the Commissioner spoke about the development of Courts, their ini- tial purposes, how they actually operate in contrast to how they ought to operate. He said Courts were developed during the primordial period in the Roman Empire to settle minor disputes without neces- Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. delivering his Lecture Students of the School listening to the lecture with rapt attention . By: A l ex A . Ba h, P ub l ic Rela t io n s A s s i s t a n t , ACC Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. among students whilst delivering his Lecture


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