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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Issue 2 Volume 30 12 - 16 August 2024

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3. Page 3 W hile in Kenema, Eastern Sierra Leone, to participate in a technical Retreat on the implementation of ACC's superintended Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) component of the GoSL, World Bank, and UNICEF $:42 Million Dollars funded Productive Social Safety Net and Youth Employment (PSSNYE) project, the Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), Francis Ben Kaifala Esq., his Deputy, Augustine Foday Ngobie, accompanied by staff of the Commission on Thursday 8th August, 2024, paid a condolence visit to the bereaved family of the late Kenema District Council Chairman, Mohamed Sesay, at his family residence along Sannoh Street in Kenema. Mr. Sesay passed away on Monday 5th August, 2024, in Kenema. In his words of consolation to the Sesay family, staff and councilors of the District Council, the people of Kenema, and Sierra Leone at large, the Deputy Commissioner ACC stated that the Commission was saddened by the demise of the Chirman, whom he referred to as a young leader who always supported the work of the Commission in Kenema, when required. He furthered that his death came as a shock to the Commissioner and members of the Commission. We are here to console you all. We feel your pain for this grave loss Mr. Ngobie said. He underscored that the ACC, being the Peoples Commission, has always had and will continue to have a peopleship approach as it leads the national fight against corruption. We are humans. We belong to society, and we are all interrelated and interconnected. Incidence such as this is painful, shocking, and a reminder to us all that we are only here for a brief period. We all shall make this solemn journey someday somehow. As we mourn the passing of this young leader, we wish to express our heartfelt condolences to the family and pray that his soul rest in perfect peace. "Mr. Ngobie prayed. The Member of Parliament, Dodo Chiefdom, Hon. Ibrahim Mansaray and the Deputy Chairperson of the Kenema District Council, Francess Jabawai on behalf of the bereaved family and people of Kenema District, thanked the ACC leadership especially the Commissioner and the Deputy, for making time out of their very busy schedule to show love and mourn we them. We appreciate this as we mourn a brother, son, leader, and friend they stated. Prayers for the bereaved fanily and the deceased were offered before the Commissioner and team retired to continue with other official engagements in Kenema. Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. and Augustine Foday Ngobie, Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner respectively, at the residence of the bereaved family. Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. at the house of the bereaved family . By: Sylvanus Blake, PRO - ACC

2. Page 2 By: Sylvanus Blake, PRO - ACC ACC Commissioner, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. engaging the ACC GRM Team Contd on Pg 4 ACC Deputy Commissioner, Augustine Foday Ngobie (middle) addressing passport at the Retreat Directors, Regional Managers, Finance Officers, staff of the PSSNYE project, and representatives from key PSSNYE implementing partners, including the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA). In his statement at the opening of the Retreat, ACC's Deputy Commissioner, Augustine Foday Ngobie, encouraged all present to take advantage of the occasion and feel free to discuss and brainstorm on every presentation, share experiences gained and lessons learned in the implementation of the different components of the PSSNYE project, and bring out valid recommendations that will enhance the effectiveness of the GRM and the overall success of the GoSL, World Bank, and UNICEF funded PSSNYE project. He reminded participants of the sacred duties the Commission is charged with in the PSSNYE project. While interacting with the participants, the People’s Commissioner of the ACC, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq., was full of commendations for the gains made in the roll - out of all Social Safety Net (SSN) projects, something he attributed to the involvement of the ACC. “No doubt, our involvement in the roll - out of all SSN and the current PSSNYE project has been positive. Unconditional cash transfer exercises that have been done under the watch of the ACC have not been undermined by corruption. We must continue this trajectory and do even more. The vulnerable Sierra Leoneans on whose behalf these resources have been committed must get what belongs to them. No one should interfere with the layers of processes and procedures to be followed in ensuring this,” he stated. Commissioner Kaifala Esq. reminded all staff that the mandate of the ACC is principally to lead the national fight against corruption. He T he Anti - Corruption Commission, Sierra Leone (ACC - SL) from Monday 5 th to Thursday 8 th August, 2024 at the Multi - Purpose Hall of the Youth in Action for Development (YAD) in Kenema, Eastern Sierra Leone, held a four - day Retreat with stakeholders in the Productive Social Safety Net and Youth Empowerment (PSSNYE) project, geared towards a post - mortem of the mandate of the ACC in the project, share experiences, and craft recommendations for the effective and efficient roll - out of the project, especially the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) component which the Commission is superintending. The Retreat brought together the ACC Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Cross section of the GRM Team at the Retreat Group photo - staff of ACC and GRM Team with Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner, ACC, after the Retreat

1. 12th—16th August 2024 Issue 2 Volume 30 INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakarr Turay EDITORS Sylvanus Blake Alex A. Bah LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M. Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Augustine Foday Ngobie Patrick Sandi fight against Corruption for National Development, said that Corruption remains so grave a challenge in Africa and it is validated by the fact that fighting it is often a p olitical promise and agenda made by Political Leaders in their campaigns during elections and citizens often use this to determine their renewal of mandate. The ACC Commissioner further gave multiple case studies of John Githongo in Kenya, Abdul Tejan Cole in Sierra Leone and Martha Chizuma in Malawi who were all Heads of Anti - Corruption Agencies but were threatened out of their jobs with some punitive sanctions meted against them, because of some matters they pursued that involved perceived political friends. He also referenced South Africa and its Jacob Zuma Corruption case that was r esisted stiffly if not for its very strong Courts, Public Support and Coalition of Institutions that made the difference. Mr. Kaifala spoke about the clear distinction between Political and Presidential Will emphasizing the importance of the support of the President. "The President has to want the fight against corruption to happen, if he does not want it don't venture, you will not succeed", he underscored. He added that together with this Presidential Will the Political Class that constitutes the institutional machineries of Government also have to prov ide their support; a required normative framework with the people also ready to support the His Excellency, Vice President of Liberia Jeremiah Koung making his Statement Contd. on Pg 4 I nitiating a powerful and youthful call to arm against Corruption, Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission of Sierra Leone, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. has called on delegates of the Youth Political Leadership School Africa (YPLSA) to confront the challenge of Fighting Corruption that has plagued the continent for far too long. He made this call whilst addressing young people at the YPLSA Summit held in Bella Cassa Hotel, Monrovia Liberia on 12th August, 2024. The Commissioner whilst delivering his Lecture anchored on the topic; The By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC ACC - SL Commissioner, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. delivering his lecture in Bella Cassa Hotel Monrovia, Liberia Cross section of the audience at the Summit

4. Page 4 Contd. from Pg 1 Contd. from Pg 2 fight. He emphasized the role of the Judiciary at the very heart of this, adding that to not rely solely on the Judiciary, is what informs Sierra Leone's Non - Conviction Asset - based Recovery Model to be adopted when cases do not meet the evidential threshold that will give a considerable chance of passing the beyond reasonable doubt benchmark in Criminal Proceedings. While responding to questions, he dilated on the difference between INDEPENDENCE in regard the work of Anti - graft agencies and AUTONOMY. "The ability to take day - to - day decision without being influenced by somebody", the Commissioner described as autonomy noting that, it is what Sierra Leone enjoys in the last six years since he was appointed to lead the fight against corruption, and it is such that has provided the amplitude coupled with admonished all not to allow a slip away from every task and duty they are assigned. “Responsibility is placed on us all and public expectation is so huge. We must never relax on our laurels. A tactical retreat is never a defeat, but an opportunity to introspect, recalibrate, and come back stronger and better than before. We must leave this place with an even more resolved dedication and a clearer path of where we are going and how we must get there in the roll - out of the PSSNYE and other SSN - related issues,” he furthered. The ACC boss listened to all concerns, challenges, and experiences of the team, regarding the roll - out of the PSSNYE and other SSN projects and together identified lines of action to address them. He assured the team of Management’s readiness to ensure available resources and other needed support are promptly allocated for project operations. To guarantee that resources reach the intended beneficiaries without challenges, the Government of the radical legal reforms and other efforts that have accounted for the country to rise from miserable places in the fight against corruption in the world to a consistently top performer in every local and international indexes and assessments. Earlier, His Excellency the Vice President of Liberia, Jeremiah Koung in his address, expressed his delight to speak to young people from across the continent, referring to them as youngsters that are eager to learn, lead and safeguard the future of good governance and democracy in the continent. He maintained that Africa has a demographic strength of young people that needs to be better prepared to take charge of the continent's future, noting that the event is a fine platform to shape them. By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant, ACC Sierra Leone, the World Bank, and UNICEF’s $42 Million funded five - year PSSNYE project, like the SSN project, financed measures to prevent corruption and established an independent Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) outfit, superintended by the ACC. The corruption prevention and accountability measures in the PSSNYE include; independent monitoring of the project to ensure NaCSA, City Councils, Ministry of Youth Affairs, National Youth Commission, Orange Mobile company, and other implementing partners strictly adhere to the outlined program rules and procedures, robust information campaigns on corruption prevention and the grievance redress measures on the dangers of corruption in the project, ACC’s participation in the Project, and to inform beneficiaries about the existence of grievance and corruption reporting mechanisms; and in - depth community and chiefdom level pieces of training to promote social accountability. By: Sylvanus Blake, PRO - ACC


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