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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Issue 2 Volume 33 2 - 6 September 2024

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3. Page 3 I n ensuring transparency and accountabil- ity in the implementation of public funds, the Regional Manager, Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) Kono Office, Hawanatu Omotayo Kamara has disclosed to Chiefdom Clerks, Paramount Chiefs, members of the Chiefdom Development Committees in Kono, staff of the District Council and other stakeholders that, the Diamond Area Community Development Fund (DACDF) is a public fund and not meant to be squandered by any individual or groups of individuals. This statement was made during the launch of the project approved for funding by the DACDF in Kono District on 31 st August, 2024 at the Kono District Council Hall, in Koidu City, Kono District. Making her statement, Mrs Kamara highlighted the mandate of the Commission in ensuring transparency and accountability in the handling of public funds. She added that the DACDF is a practical approach in ensuring citizens benefit from the natural re- sources in their communities and district, and aims to foster development, and im- prove the infrastructure and quality of life for the local residents in that particular area and other environs. The Manager emphasized on the importance of monitoring and furthered that the ACC will effectively monitor all the chiefdoms that received the 2021 - 2022 DACDF funds disbursed this year in order to ascertain accountability. She further stated that Sierra Leone is a lawful country and that for so long the positive impacts of our mineral resources on our lives have been robustly questioned. Therefore, DACDF established by the Government of Sierra Leone is to ensure the proceeds generated from the licenses paid by miners directly benefit the communities from which they are extracted. Manager Kamara also made it clear to the participants that the ACC does not have the mandate to question the Land owners and Paramount Chief on the Monies relating to the surface rent and as such they are not considered as public funds. She continued however, to state that, the District Council and Chiefdom Development rents are categorised as public funds and falls under the mandate of the Commission. “ All public funds should be properly accounted for when called upon by the ACC” , the Manager averred She issued a stern warning to public officials and chiefdom author- ities to desist from any dubious activities during the Manager ACC Kono Office, Hawanatu O. Kamara, (extreme right) making a statement The Audience at the Engagement Contd on Pg 4

2. Page 2 The Commission reassured the public of its commitment to take prompt action against corruption anywhere and to address all levels of corruption in Sierra Leone. T he Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) says its attention has been drawn to a publication in the August 2024 edition of the AFRICA CONFIDENTIAL, which contains corruption allegations relating to the Management of the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM) and the Femab Properties of Lagos, Nigeria, for a Fifty ($USD 50) Million Dollar project for the construction of a new campus in Bureh Town, Western Area Rural District. In a press release dated 27 th August, 2024, the Commission stated that after a careful review of the publication, it has commenced forensic investigation into the allegations. The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) has, in a press release dated 3 rd September, 2024, stated that it has received original copy of the Tribunal Report, relating to the Auditor - General, Mrs. Lara Taylor - Pearce and Deputy Auditor - General, Mr. Tamba Momoh, and has also taken careful note of the Recommendations contained therein. The Commission further states that it will give deference to the Parliament of Sierra Leone to carry out its constitutional role and mandate, and thereafter, the Commission will decide on the next steps, relating to the specific issues referred to it in the Report of 29 th May, 2024. The Commission reassured the public of its continued resolve to address matters of accountability and corruption across all levels of society in Sierra Leone.

4. Page 4 Contd from Pg 1 Contd from Pg 3 ‘ The NaCSA Regional Coordinator also highlighted that during last year's registration, alternate beneficiaries were included as some of the primary recipients were very old and had difficulty moving. "Some beneficiaries are 75 years and above, so provisions had to be made accordingly. However, communication remains a significant challenge, as some beneficiaries are unaware that payments are ongoing, although the majority have been paid," she disclosed. Madam Vandi concluded by appealing to the ACC Deputy Commissioner to review the payment method to ensure the intended impact is fully realized. District Coordinator, Bo, NaCSA, Charles Macarthy, reported that in Bo District 899 beneficiaries were implementation of all public projects to ensure community empowerment and development. She urged the participants to report any forms of corruption to the Commission and reminded them of the whistle blowing policy and Reward Scheme for which the Commission will give 10 percent, to the whistle blower/informant consequent upon a successful recovery. She concluded that the chiefdom administrators should be vigilant and discourage illicit mining activities in their communities. The Deputy Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources , Hon. Umaru Napoleon Koroma who officially handed over the projects to the chiefdoms informed the participants of the cost of each project. He underscored that public disclosure is rooted in the principles of transparency, accountability and community participation upheld by the Government of President Julius Maada enrolled, with 665 having been 'interfaced with': 563 paid, and 162 cases pending under the GRM. He also noted that some beneficiaries have received their payments directly via their SIM cards and will need to reconcile these transactions with Orange, which holds exclusive access to this information. Responding, Mr. Ngobie assured the team that the issues presented would be communicated and actions relating to their concerns would be monitored accordingly. "Whatever insights we gather, we share to ensure other districts also benefit," he concluded. Each beneficiary under Component 1A receives 1,047 Leones, with 10 districts across the country currently benefiting from the program. Bio. Minister Koroma added that the DACDF was established by the Government of Sierra Leone in 2002 and stands as a testament to the Government’s commitment to ensuring that the communities benefit from the minerals extracted from their localities. The Minister added that it is the expectation of the Government that the DACDF will play a crucial role in bridging the gap between resource extraction and community development. “ It is the belief that this initiative will not only bring tangible benefits to the communities but also inspire a sense of ownership and pride among our citizens” the Hon. Minister concluded. By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant – ACC

1. 2nd - 6th September 2024 Issue 2 Volume 33 INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Abubakarr Turay EDITORS Sylvanus Blake Alex A. Bah LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Philippa M Davies EDITORIAL ADVISERS Augustine Foday Ngobie Patrick Sandi plemented fairly and transparently. As a result, he furthered, the ACC has deployed project staff to execute the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) at every step of t he program. The Deputy ACC Boss also noted that his regular on - the - spot checks are intended to validate that the project is implemented without any encumbrances. "We know that a significant number of people have been served under Component 1A, but the information and data we collect are essential for ongoing improvements, ensuring that other districts benefit equally," Mr. Ngobie underscored. Aminata Vandi, Regional Coordinator, South, NaCSA, in her statement expressed appreciation for the Deputy Commissioner's visit and provided an update on the status of the ongoing SSN Component 1A payments under the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, targeting the elderly. She acknowledged that many elderly beneficiaries face challenges due to the long distances they travel to receive their payments, but noted that plans are underway to establish a centralized payment system to address this issue. "At the commencement of the payment process, we recognized the distance challenge, but some beneficiaries, out of sheer necessity, made significant sacrifices to travel and collect their payments," she explained. Aminata Vandi, Regional Coordinator, South, NaCSA making his statement. Contd on Pg 4 I n a working visit across various beneficiary districts of the ongoing Emergency Cash Transfer Component of the Productive Social Safety Net and Youth Employment (PSSNYE) project, Deputy Commissioner of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), Augustine Foday Ngobie, made a stop in Bo on Wednesday, 28th August, 2024. Speaking to the Regional Team of the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA), the lead implementing agency, the Deputy Commissioner emphasized the Commission's commitment to ensuring the project is im- By: Alex A. Bah, Public Relations Assistant – ACC Deputy Commissioner ACC, Augustine Foday Ngobie speaking to the Regional Team Engagement ongoing in the office of the Regional Coordinator - South.


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