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Newspapers Analysis - 10. October(3) (1)

Public Education / Newspapers Analysis


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53. 53 awaiting onward payments into the Consolidated Revenue Fund.

3. 3 ‘ACC Czar recovers over Le 5. 4 bn in last five months’. A press release from the ACC informs the public that the Commission has recovered a total sum of Five Billion, Four Hundred and Sixty - Five Million, Nine Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy - Four Leones (Le: 5,46 5,911,374) within the last five months. These monies, recovered between 6 th June and 29 th October, 2018, are with the Commission awaiting onward payments into the Consolidated Revenue Fund. UNFAVOURABLE ‘ACC delays Hajj case’. According to the story in the New Vision, the ACC showed up late in the Monday Hajj proceeding forcing the court to stand down for 30 minutes. After the stand down, ACC Counsel Emmanuel K . Amara Esq. informed the court that the Commission was not ready to present its witness on that d ay as the said witness was out of the jurisdiction and that all efforts to track him had proved futile, prompting Justice Reginald Fynn to say that the prosecution did not act with courtesy. Get this SLFA mess sorted out!’. The Metro Newspaper claims that one of its previous editorials that c alled on the Government to find ways of resolving the SLFA/FIFA matter was not heeded to. The paper suggested that the ACC indictment against Isha Johansen and Chris Kamara has no timeline and therefore can wait until t he two leave office so the country can get on with its football activities.

1. 1 ANALY SIS OF NEWSPAPERS CONTENT OCTOBER , 2018. Key : F - FAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials favourable to the Commission. UF - UNFAVOURABLE - News stories, commentaries and editorials unfavourable to the Commission. A - AMBIVALENT REPORTS - articles, stories, editorials and commentaries neither favourable nor unfavourable to the Commission. STATISTICS Total number of publications on corruption issues - 265 Number of news stories - 132 Number of commentaries - 11 Number of editorials - 2 Number of stories and articles from the Commission - 120 Number of articles, stories, editorials and commentaries about the Commission - 249 Articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries ambivalent (A) to the Commission - 1 6 (6 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries favourable (F) to the ACC - 243 (92 %) Number of articles, news stories, editorials and commentaries unfavourable (UF) to the ACC - 6(2 %)

2. 2 HIGHLIGHTS The percentage of favourable publication for the month of October , 2018 is 92 %; showing a 1% decrease from that recorded in September. The percentage of unfavourable publications is 2%; showing a 3% decrease in the number of unfavourable publication when compared to the previous month. The percentage of ambivalent reports is 6 % ; showing a 4% increase from the previous month . The issues mostly reported are as follows: FAVOURABLE REPORTS ‘50m Financial guarantee for exams reprobates... ACC detains ringleaders’. The paper quotes the Director of Public Education and Outreach Patrick Sandi as saying that the Commission has granted bail to the students arrested during the ACC raid in a private residence in Aberdeen where they were engag ed in examination malpractice s by re - writing the WASSCE examination. ‘US Ambassador encourages ACC to remain steadfast’. The US Ambassador to Sierra Leone Maria Brewer paid a courtesy visit to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq ., in recognition of the work of the Commission and to s trengthen the ties between the Embassy and the ACC. ‘UK Commissioner encourages ACC to produce results’. The British High Commissioner to Sierra Leone Guy Warrington paid a courtesy call on Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq., admonishing the Commission to continue to work in the interest of the country. ‘ FIFA threats...ACC unmoved’. In the wake of the ACC’s position that demands for the suspension of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara pending the outcome of their co rruption trial, FIFA has written a letter demanding that the country reverses its decision; a development the paper says does not seem to worry the ACC. ‘Agric & Health Ministries in 2.8 billion double dipping scam’. This makes reference to the report by t he Systems and Processes Review Department which unearths a double dipping scheme which has cost the S tate to lose 2.8 billion Leones . ‘ACC Deputy speaks on benefits of membership status at IACA’. ACC Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies has spoken of the benefits of attaining a membership status at the International Anti - Corruption Academy (IACA) in Vienna, Austria. Mr. Davies was speaking after attending this year’s Assembly of Parties of IACA in Vienna. The event saw the re - election of the Executive and Members of the Board of Governors of the IACA in line with Rule 22 of the Rules of Procedures for the Assembly of Parties. ‘ACC to extradite fugitive former Immigration Chief’. Head of Outreach Uni t Abubakarr Turay is quoted as saying that the Commission is in talks with the relevant authorities in the UK to ensure that fugitive former Chief Immigration Officer of the Immigration Department Alpha Kholifa Koroma is extradited to Sierra Leone followin g his arrest in the UK on money laundering allegations. Koroma is wanted by the ACC to help with investigation into the issuance of service and diplomatic passports to undeserving persons during his reign as immigration chief.

46. 46 Friday 19th October 2018 held a sensitization outreach meeting on the Pay No Bribe (PNB) campaign for the people of Mambolo in the Mambolo Chiefdom, Kambia District. Addressing residents of the Mambolo community at the Mambolo Court Barray, ACC Regional Manager North, Abu Bakarr Kamara said, the meeting was intended to motivate them to act and address issues of bribery. 23 6 AYV ‘Residents of Mapaki embrace PNB campaign’. Residents and pupils of Mapaki in the Paki Masabong Chiefdom, Bombali District, have embraced the Pay No Bribe (PNB) campaign and pledged to fully support and promote the campaign in the chiefdom. This comm itment was made at a community and school engagements organised by the Northern Region Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Friday 12th October 2018 at the Mapaki Court Barray and the Mapaki Junior and Senior Secondary Schools. ACC F 237 News watch ‘ACC takes integrity campaign to schools’. ACC as part of its commitment to educate and encourage school pupils to imbibe values of integrity, on Wednesday 24 th and Thursday 25 th October 2018 concluded sensitization meetings at the Russell Technical and Benguema Secondary Schools in the Western Area Rural District. Staff of the Public Education and External Outreach Department of the Commission addressed pupils and teachers of the schools on issues of bribery and corruption in the education sector and to solicit their support in the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 238 Newswatch ‘ACC takes Pay No Bribe campaign to Mambolo’. The Northern Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Friday 19th October 2018 held a sensitization outreach meeting on the Pay No Bribe (PNB) campaign for the people of Mambolo in the Mambolo Chiefdom, Kambia District. Addressing reside nts of the Mambolo community at the Mambolo Court Barray, ACC Regional Manager North, Abu Bakarr Kamara said, the meeting was intended to ACC F

39. 39 PNB campaign’. Residents and pupils of Mapaki in the Paki Masabong Chiefdom, Bombali District, have embraced the Pay No Bribe (PNB) campaign and pledged to fully support and promote the campaign in the chiefdom. This commitment was made at a community and school engagements organised by the Northern Region Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Friday 12th October 2018 at the Mapaki Cour t Barray and the Mapaki Junior and Senior Secondary Schools. 207 Nightwatch ‘ACC takes Pay No Bribe campaign to Mambolo’. The Northern Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Friday 19th October 2018 held a sensitization outreach meeting on the Pay No Bribe (PNB) campaign for the people of Mambolo in the Mambolo Chiefdom, Kambia District. Addressing residents of the Mambolo community at the Mambolo Court Barray, ACC Regional Manager North, Abu Bakarr Kamara said, the meeting was i ntended to motivate them to act and address issues of bribery. ACC F 208 Trumpet ‘ACC takes Pay No Bribe campaign to Mambolo’. The Northern Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Friday 19th October 2018 held a sensitization outreach m eeting on the Pay No Bribe (PNB) campaign for the people of Mambolo in the Mambolo Chiefdom, Kambia District. Addressing residents of the Mambolo community at the Mambolo Court Barray, ACC Regional Manager North, Abu Bakarr Kamara said, the meeting was in tended to motivate them to act and address issues of bribery. ACC F 209 Trumpet ‘ACC launches Accountability Now Club at Oba sanjo College’. The ACC on Monday 22nd October, 2018 launched the Accountability Now Club (ANC) at the Obasanjo Skills Acquisition and Youth Transformation College in Newton, along the Waterloo - Masiaka Highway. The ceremony was witnessed by hundreds of students and ACC F

33. 33 Media Administrator General dragged to ACC’. This makes reference to a letter written to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala by lawyer Musa Mugbe Musa, acting on behalf of Ahmed Mustapha Ahmed, to make a report against the former Administrator and Registrar General Haja Mariama Seray Kallay who allegedly made a 45,000 USD payment from the estates of late Alhaji Mustapha Ahmed Mamoud to one Sia Mani who was posin g as Halima Ahmed and claiming to be a daughter of the deceased. 178 Cotton Tree ‘Over unauthorized payment...former Administrator General dragged to ACC’. This makes reference to a letter written to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala by lawye r Musa Mugbe Musa, acting on behalf of Ahmed Mustapha Ahmed, to make a report against the former Administrator and Registrar General Haja Mariama Seray Kallay who allegedly made a 45,000 USD payment from the estates of late Alhaji Mustapha Ahmed Mamoud to one Sia Mani who was posing as Halima Ahmed and claiming to be a daughter of the deceased. News story F 179 Calabash ‘FIFA to lift Sierra Leone ban after end of Johansen trial’. Following a meeting held by a Government delegation led by Vice President Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh and FIFA in Zurich, the world football governing body has said that it will instruct CAF to reschedule the back to back matches between Sierra Leone and Ghana; adding it would lift the country’s suspe nsion after the SLFA trial whether or not the two are convicted. News story F 180 Global Times ‘ACC takes integrity club to Rokel School’. The Public Education and Outreach Department on 19 th October, 2018 launched the integrity club of the Government Rokel Secondary School in a bid to promote integrity values among school children. News story F 181 Salone Champion ‘Go in search and arrest them now!’. Following the nationwide verification exercise by the NCRA and the double - dipping report on the Ministries of Health and Agriculture, the paper calls on the ACC to go after those who News story F

32. 32 Holden in Bo, presided by Justice Unisa Kamara, the sum of thirty million Leones or serve a three year jail term following his conviction on three counts of misappropriation of public funds related to his act of collecting the salaries of a deceased teacher. 173 New Storm ‘ACC embarks on integrity campaign on schools’. This is about the launch of t he integrity club at the Tomlinson Secondary School in Songo in the Western Rural District. The story quotes Senior Public Education Officer Alhassan Sesay as saying that the Commission is establishing integrity clubs in schools nationwide in order to inst ill in children the values of integrity and transparency and to make them serve as ambassadors among their peers. News story F 174 Global Times ‘ACC targets schools’. This is about the launch of the integrity club at the Tomlinson Secondary School in Songo in the Western Rural District. The story quotes Senior Public Education Officer Alhassan Sesay as saying that the Commission is establishing integrity clubs in schools nationwide in order to instill in children the values of integrity and transparenc y and to make them serve as ambassadors among their peers. News story F 175 Trumpet ‘ACC dialogues with officers of Mafanta Correctional Service’. The Northern Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) continues to heighten public awareness and forge partnership with strategic institutions in the Region in a bid to combat bribery and petty corruption. On Tuesday 9th October 2018, the Office engaged officers of the Mafanta Correctional Service in Mafanta Village, Tonkolili District. ACC F 176 Exclusive ‘ACC declares 2 wanted’. The ACC has declared the former National Coordinator of Youth in Drainage Clearing project at the Ministry of Youth Affairs Rev Ibrahim Koroma and a clerk at WAEC Vidal Wray wanted in connection to ongoing investigations. ACC F 22 nd October, 2018 177 Sierra Express ‘Over unauthorized payment...former News story F

42. 42 outreach meeting on the Pay No Bribe (PNB) campaign for the people of Mambolo in the Mambolo Chiefdom, Kambia District. Addressing residents of the Mambolo community at the Mambolo Court Barray, ACC Regional Manager North, Abu Bakarr Kamara said, the meeting was intended to motivate them to act and address issues of bribery. 219 New Vision ‘ACC takes integrity campaign to schools’. ACC as part of its commitment to educate and encourage school pupils to imbibe values of integrity, on Wednesday 24 th and Thursday 25 th October 2018 concluded sensitization meetings at the Russell Technical and Benguema Secondary Schools in the Western Area Rural District. Staff of the Public Education and External Outreach Department of the Commission addressed pupils and teachers of the schools on issues of bribery and corruption in the education sector an d to solicit their support in the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 220 Independent Observer ‘ACC takes integrity campaign to schools’. ACC as part of its commitment to educate and encourage school pupils to imbibe values of integrity, on Wednesday 24 th and Thursday 25 th October 2018 concluded sensitization meetings at the Russell Technical and Benguema Secondary Schools in the Western Area Rural District. Staff of the Public Education and External Outreach Department of the Commission addressed pupils a nd teachers of the schools on issues of bribery and corruption in the education sector and to solicit their support in the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 221 Independent Observer ‘LAB secures bail in ACC matter’. Elizabeth King, who was convicted in the NRA/ Ecobank matter, has served her five year jail sentence but still in detention at the Female Correctional Centre, since she could not pay the 90 million Leones fine imposed on her by the court. The Legal Aid Board says it has secured her bail. News story F 222 Awoko ‘ Sentenced for stealing EGT C fuel in Makeni’. The High Court of Sierra Leone, Holden at Makeni, and presided over by the ACC F

44. 44 through Parliament, it is high time the inquiries started in a bid to address the issues of corruption and other governance challenges the country has been facing. 227 Global Times ‘ACC appeals to school pupils’. This is about the launch of integrity clubs at the Bullom Ahmadiya Secondary School and the Saint Augustine Agricultural Secondary School in Lungi by the ACC. The launching took place on 24 th October, 2018. News story F 228 Cotton Tree ‘ACC takes integrity campaign to schools’. ACC as part of its commitment to educate and encourage school pupils to imbibe values of integrity, on Wednesday 24 th and Thursday 25 th October 2018 concluded sensitization meetings at the Russell Technical and Benguema Secondary Schools in the Western Area Rural District. Staff of the Public Edu cation and External Outreach Department of the Commission addressed pupils and teachers of the schools on issues of bribery and corruption in the education sector and to solicit their support in the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 229 Cotton Tree ‘Two allege d suspects convicted by ACC’. The High Court of Sierra Leone, Holden at Makeni, and presided over by the Honourable Justice Monfred Sesay, on Friday 26 th October 2018, sentenced John Amara and Ibrahim Bah to a fine of Thirty Million Leones (Le 30,000,000) each, or a three - year jail term. It could be recalled that on Saturday 5 th November 2016, at Makeni in the North of Sierra Leone, the two were caught stealing up to Ten Thousand, Five Hundred and Ten (10, 510) liters of diesel belonging to EGTC. ACC F 230 Spectator ‘ACC takes integrity campaign to schools’. ACC as part of its commitment to educate and encourage school pupils to imbibe values of integrity, on Wednesday 24 th and Thursday 25 th October 2018 concluded sensitization meetings at the Russell Te chnical and Benguema Secondary Schools in the Western Area Rural District. Staff of the Public Education and External Outreach Department of the Commission addressed pupils and teachers of the schools on issues of bribery and ACC F

40. 40 lectur ers of the college. 210 Trumpet ‘ACC engages residents of North - West Region on the Pay No Bribe campaign’. As part of the Anti - Corruption Commission’s (ACC) community outreach campaign, the Public Education and Outreach Department on Monday 15 th and Tuesday 16 th October 2018, conducted a mass sensitization campaign in the Townships of Port Loko, Kambia, Gbere Junction, Lunsar and Foredugu in the North - West Region. ACC F 211 Trumpet ‘ACC presents NACS Monitoring Report to MDAs’. The ACC on Tuesday presented the draft copy of the report on the monitoring of the implementation of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy (NACS) 2014 - 2018 Action Plan to members of the Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of Government. The presentation took place at a validation workshop held at the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Finance, George Street, Freetown. ACC F 212 Cotton Tree ‘Residents of Mapaki embrace PNB campaign’. Residents and pupils of Mapaki in the Paki Masabong Chiefdom, Bombali District, have embraced the Pay No Bribe (PNB) campaign and pledged to fully support and promote the campaign in the chiefdom. This commitment was made at a community and school engagements organised by the Northern Region Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Friday 12th October 2018 at the Mapaki Court Barray and the Mapaki Junior and Senior Secondary Schools. ACC F 213 Cotton Tree ‘Mambolo benefits from ACC Pay No Bribe campaign’. The Northern Regional Office of th e Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Friday 19th October 2018 held a sensitization outreach meeting on the Pay No Bribe (PNB) campaign for the people of Mambolo in the Mambolo Chiefdom, Kambia District. Addressing residents of the Mambolo community at th e Mambolo Court Barray, ACC Regional Manager North, Abu Bakarr Kamara said, the meeting was intended to ACC F

11. 11 quoted as saying that the Commission is in talks with the relevant authorities in the UK to ensure that fugitive former Chief Immigration Officer of the Immigration Department Alpha Kholifa Koroma is extradited to S ierra Leone following his arrest in the UK on money laundering allegations. Koroma is wanted by the ACC to help with investigation into the issuance of service and diplomatic passports to undeserving persons during his reign as immigration chief. 47 Awoko ‘ACC to extradite former head of Immigration arrested in the UK’. The paper quotes ACC sources as saying that the Commission is in talks with relevant authorities in the UK to ensure that fugitive former Chief Immigration Officer of the Immigration Department Alpha Kholifa Koroma is extradited to Sierra Leone following his arrest in the UK on money laundering allegations. Koroma is wanted by the ACC to help with investigation into the issuance of service and diplomatic passports to undese rving persons during his reign as immigration chief. News story F 48 Satellite ‘Over allegations of money laundering... former Immigration Boss arrested in London’. The paper quotes ACC sources as saying that the Commission is in talks with relevant auth orities in the UK to ensure that fugitive former Chief Immigration Officer of the Immigration Department Alpha Kholifa Koroma is extradited to Sierra Leone following his arrest in the UK on money laundering allegations. Koroma is wanted by the ACC to help with investigation into the issuance of service and diplomatic passports to undeserving persons during his reign as immigration chief. News story F 49 Satellite ‘For fight against corruption...Sierra Leoneans in the USA praise President Bio’. The paper says Sierra Leoneans in the United States have praised President Bio for his robust fight against corruption. They made this commendation at an event where the President addressed them following the United Nations General Assembly. News story A 50 The Guardian ‘TPMS opens secret account’. The paper claims that TPMS, which was subject of recent ACC investigations, has opened a secret bank account where billions of tax payers’ monies are being diverted. News story F 8 th October, 2018 51 Satell ite ‘ACC stance remains unchanged’. The story makes reference to the ACC stance in the SLFA News story F

37. 37 Accountability Now Club (ANC) at the Obasanjo Skills Acquisition and Youth Transformation College in Newton, along the Waterloo - Masiaka Highway. The ceremony was witnessed by hundreds of students and lecturers of the college. 197 Nightwatch ‘ACC engages residents of North - West Region on the Pay No Bribe campaign’. As part of the Anti - Corruption Commission’s (ACC) community outreach campaign, the Public Education and Outreach Department on Monday 15 th and Tuesday 16 th October 2018, conducted a mass sensitization campaign in the Townships of Port Loko, Kambia, Gbere Junction, Lunsar and Foredugu in the North - West Region. ACC F 198 Cotton Tree ‘NACS Monitoring Report handed over to MDAs by ACC’. The A CC on Tuesday presented the draft copy of the report on the monitoring of the implementation of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy (NACS) 2014 - 2018 Action Plan to members of the Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) of Ministries, Departments and Agenc ies (MDAs) of Government. The presentation took place at a validation workshop held at the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Finance, George Street, Freetown. ACC F 199 Cotton Tree ‘ Oba sanjo College gets Accountability Now Club from ACC’. The ACC on Monday 22nd October, 2018 launched the Accountability Now Club (ANC) at the Obasanjo Skills Acquisition and Youth Transformation College in Newton, along the Waterloo - Masiaka Highway. The ceremony was witnessed by hundreds of students and lecturers of the college. ACC F 200 Blade ‘ACC, MDAs hang heads’. The ACC on Tuesday presented the draft copy of the report on the monitoring of the implementation of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy (NACS) 2014 - 2018 Action Plan to members of the Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of Government. The presentation took place at a validation workshop held at the Conference ACC F

34. 34 have been beneficiaries of these schemes. 181 Standard T imes ‘Bursar fined Le30 million...misappropriation of public funds’. A press release from the ACC states that Bursar of the Milton Comprehensive Secondary School in Bo , Solomon Mitchell Kamara has been fined by a High Court Holden in Bo, presided by Justice Unisa Kamara, the sum of thirty million leones or serve a three year jail term following his conviction on three counts of misappropriation of public funds related to his act of collecting the salaries of a deceased teacher. ACC F 182 Standard Times ‘ Corruption is obstructing our nation’s progress!’. This is one of the articles by the late Issa B.M. Kamara, former Editor of the paper. He made the argument that corruption has adversely affected the country’s development, calling on the ACC, the police and other law enforcement agencies to act tough in curbing the scourge. Commentary F 183 New Storm ‘ACC to probe Council’s guest house deals’. According to this report, members of the public are calling on the ACC to probe into the processes followed by the Kenema District Council to lease the council’s guesthouse along Nyandeyama Road in Kenema to one Albert Leigh. News story F 184 Premier Ne ws ‘Over 1900 bags of fertilizer unaccounted for’. According to the 2018 Performance Audit Report, the Ministry of Agriculture cannot account for 1938 bags of fertilizers between 2014 to 2016. News story A 185 Premier News ‘FIFA to lift S/Leone ban after end of Johansen trial’. Following a meeting held by a Government delegation led by Vice President Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh and FIFA in Zurich, the world football governing body has said that it will instruct CAF to reschedule the back to back matches between Sierra Leone and Ghana; adding it would lift the country’s suspension after the SLFA trial whether or not the two are convicted. News story F 186 Premier News ‘ACC takes integrity club to Rokel School’. The Public Educat ion and Outreach Department on 19 th October, 2018 launched News story F

24. 24 127 Cotton Tree ‘As Sierra Leone plans to visit FIFA...Sports Minister says Govt is firml y behind ACC’. This quotes the Minister of Sports Ibrahim Nyelenkeh as saying that the Government is firmly in support of the ACC matter against SLFA President Isha Johansen and General Secretary Chris Kamara and that the Government will not interfere in t he said matter. News story F 128 Cotton Tree ‘ACC dialogues with officers of Mafanta Correctional Service’. The Northern Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) continues to heighten public awareness and forge partnership with strategic institutions in the Region in a bid to combat bribery and petty corruption. On Tuesday 9th October 2018, the Office engaged officers of the Mafanta Correctional Service in Mafanta Village, Tonkolili District. ACC F 129 Unique News ‘Gov’t backs ACC amidst FIFA suspension’. This quotes the Minister of Sports Ibrahim Nyelenkeh as saying that the Government is firmly in support of the ACC matter against SLFA President Isha Johansen and General Secretary Chris Kamara and that the Government will not interfere in the said matter. News story F 130 Awoko ‘Govt supports the ACC position - Sports Minister’. This quotes the Minister of Sports Ibrahim Nyelenkeh as saying that the Government is firmly in support of the ACC matter against SLFA President Isha Johansen and General Secretary Chris Kamara and that the Government will not interfere in the said matter. News story F 131 Awareness Times ‘ACC dialogues with officers of Mafanta Correctional Service’. The Northern Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) continues to heighten public awareness and forge partnership with strategic institutions in the Region in a bid to combat bribery and petty corruption. On Tuesday 9th October 2018, the Office engaged officers of the Mafanta Correctional Se rvice in Mafanta Village, Tonkolili District. ACC F 132 New Vision ‘FIFA must listen to us - Sports Minister’. News story F

23. 23 assist with an ongoing investigation relating to corruption offences. 1 22 Spectator ‘ACC dialogues with officers of Mafanta Correctional Service’. The Northern Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) continues to heighten public awareness and forge partnership with strategic institutions in the Region in a bid to combat bribery and petty corruption. On Tuesday 9th October 2018, the Office engaged officers of the Mafanta Correctional Service in Mafanta Village, Tonkolili District. ACC F 1 23 Standard Times ‘ACC dialogues with officers of Mafanta Correctional Service’. The Northern Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) continues to heighten public awareness and forge partnership with strategic institutions in the Region in a bid to combat bribery and petty corruption. On Tuesday 9th October 2018, the Office engaged officers of the Mafanta Correctional Service in Mafanta Village, Tonkolili District. ACC F 1 24 Standard Times ‘Corruption is the biggest emergency Sierra Leone f aces right now - ACC Boss’. This makes reference to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala’s Twitter post following the suspension of Sierra Leone by FIFA in which the Commissioner said sitting to talk with a graft - clouded boy like FIFA won’t bear any fruits, addi ng that the laws of the country must be respected. News story F 1 25 The Comment ‘ACC Alert!! Thieving Musa Antar dupes Salone Gov’t’. The draws the attention of ACC to a contract it says was awarded to one Musa Antar of Yagala Enterprises in 2016 for the supply of uniforms for the army and for which an advance payment of 10% of the 33,461,816 USD contract cost was made; but that no single uniform has been supplied since then. News story F 1 26 The Comment ‘ACC dialogues with officers of Mafanta Correctional Service’. The Northern Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) continues to heighten public awareness and forge partnership with strategic institutions in the Region in a bid to combat br ibery and petty corruption. On Tuesday 9th October 2018, the Office engaged officers of the Mafanta Correctional Service in Mafanta Village, Tonkolili District. ACC F

28. 28 about the ruling by Justice Reginald Fynn which acquits SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara of eight of the eleven counts brought against them by the ACC. While the Judge states that the two had no case to answer on the said charges, they must face trial on the three remaining charges. The paper says this is a blow to the Chief Minister Prof . David Francis who has shown tremendous backing for the ACC not to drop charges against the SLFA indictees. 1 51 Nationalist ‘ACC files for more witnesses in Hajjgate trial’. This makes reference to the announcement made in court by Director of Prosecution Calvin Mantsebo that the prosecution would add more witnesses to testify on its behalf in the Hajj matter. News story F 1 52 Examiner ‘Former Administrator General dragged to court’. This makes reference to a letter written to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala by lawyer Mugbe Musa, acting on behalf of Ahmed Mustapha Ahmed, to make a report against the former Administrator and Registrar General Haja Mariama Seray Kallay who allegedly made a 45,000 USD payment from the estates of late Alhaji Mustapha Ahmed Mamoud to one Sia Mani who was posing as Halima Ahmed and claiming to be a daughter of the dece ased. News story F 1 53 Unique News ‘With $50,000 unaccounted for...Isha and Chris still have a case to answer’. This is about the ruling by Justice Reginald Fynn which acquits SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara of eight of th e eleven counts brought against them by the ACC. While the Judge states that the two had no case to answer on the said charges, they must face trial on the three remaining charges. News story F 1 54 Unique News ‘Hajj gate trial...Shekito sinking deep in trouble’. Abass Sesay, former personal assistant to the first accused in the Hajj trial Sheka Sahid Kamara has told the court that he witnessed his boss packing $80,000 purportedly for former Vice President Victor Foh. News story F 1 55 New Citizen ‘ACC files for more witnesses in Hajj - gate News story F

12. 12 matter following the meeting the Chief Minister Prof . David Francis and Sports Minister Ibrahim Nyelenkeh held with football stakeholders, including the indicted President of the FA Isha Johansen and General Secretary Chris Kamara. The Commission’s stance is that the two top SLFA officials remain suspen ded p ending the outcome of their case, even though Johansen wrote a letter in her capacity as President asking FIFA to lift its suspension of the country in order for the country to take part in the back to back matches against Ghana. 52 New Storm ‘ACC takes PNB Campaign to Foredugu Community’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC conducted a sensitization meeting on the Pay No Bribe for residents of Foredugu Community, Buya Romende Chiefdom, Karene District. ACC F 53 New Storm ‘ACC Kenem a Office engages MDAs on the development of a new strategy’. As the implementation of the 2014 - 2018 National Anti Corruption Strategy (NACS) ends this year, the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) office in Kenema on Tuesday 25th September, 2018 engaged focal persons of Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in Kenema on the review process of the current strategy and the development of the 2019 - 2023 Strategy. ACC F 54 Business and Finance ‘ACC presents Sierra Leone’s status to the International Anti - Corruption Academy’. ACC Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies has spoken of the benefits of attaining a membership status at the International Anti - Corruption Academy (IACA) in Vienna, Austria. Mr . Davies was speaking after attending this year’s Assembly of Parties of IACA in Vienna. The event saw the re - election of the Executive and Members of the Board of Governors of the IACA in line with Rule 22 of the Rules of Procedures for the Assembly of Pa rties . ACC F 55 Exclusive ‘As ACC calls for extradition...2 troubles for Kholifa’. This is about reports that the ACC is in talks with relevant authorities in the UK to ensure that fugitive former Chief Immigration Officer of the Immigration Department Alpha Kholifa Koroma is extradited to Sierra Leone following his arrest in the UK on money laundering allegations. Koroma i s wanted by the ACC to help with investigation into the issuance of service and diplomatic passports to undeserving persons during News story F

36. 36 Project in the MINISTRY of YOUTH AFFAIRS Freetown and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Youth Cleaning Employment Scheme of No. 46 New Site Old Wharf Wellington, is declared WANTED by the ACC to assist with an ongoing investigation relating to corruption offences. 192 The Future Vidal Wray, of No. 2 Bath Street, Brookfields, Freetown, an employee of the West African Examinations Council, (WAEC) Clerk I, Freetown is declared WANTED by the ACC to assist with an ongoing investigation relating to corruption offences. ACC F 193 Salone Champion ‘Corruption to the dock!’. This make s reference to the debate on the Commissions of I nquiry to look into the stewardship of the former Government of Ernest Bai Koroma. A motion by Hon . Daniel Koroma to set aside the three instruments pointing illegalities, did not go through as it failed to get the required two - thirds majority (94 votes). News story A 194 Concord Times ‘ACC validates draft monitoring report on NACS’. ACC on Tuesday presented the draft copy of the report on the monitoring of the implementation of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy (NACS) 2014 - 2018 Action Plan to members of the Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) of Ministries, Departments and Agen cies (MDAs) of Government. The presentation took place at a validation workshop held at the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Finance, George Street, Freetown. News story F 195 Nightwatch ‘ACC presents NACS Monitoring Report to MDAs’. The ACC on Tuesd ay presented the draft copy of the report on the monitoring of the implementation of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy (NACS) 2014 - 2018 Action Plan to members of the Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of Government. The presentation took place at a validation workshop held at the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Finance, George Street, Freetown. ACC F 196 Nightwatch ‘ACC launches ‘Accountability Now’ Club at Obas a njo College’. The ACC on Monday 22nd October, 2018 launched the ACC F

45. 45 corruption in the education se ctor and to solicit their support in the Pay No Bribe campaign. 231 Spectator ‘LAB secures bail in ACC matter’. Elizabeth King, who was convicted in the NRA/ Ecobank matter, has served her five year jail sentence but still in detention at the Female Correctional Centre, since she could not pay the 90 million Leones fine imposed on her by the court. The Legal Aid Boa rd says it has secured her bail. ACC F 232 Spectator ‘ACC secures conviction in Makeni’. The High Court of Sierra Leone, Holden at Makeni, and presided over by the Honourable Justice Monfred Sesay, on Friday 26 th October 2018, sentenced John Amara and Ibrahim Bah to a fine of Thirty Million Leones (Le 30,000,000) each, or a three - year jail term. It could be recalled that on Saturday 5 th November 2016, at Makeni in the North of Sierra Leone, the two were caught ste aling up to Ten Thousand, Five Hundred and Ten (10, 510) liters of diesel belonging to EGTC. ACC F 233 AYV ‘ACC takes integrity campaign to schools’. ACC as part of its commitment to educate and encourage school pupils to imbibe values of integrity, on Wednesday 24 th and Thursday 25 th October 2018 concluded sensitization meetings at the Russell Technical and Benguema Secondary Schools in the Western Area Rural District. Staff of the Public Education and External Outreach Department of the Commission addr essed pupils and teachers of the schools on issues of bribery and corruption in the education sector and to solicit their support in the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 234 AYV ‘LAB secures bail in ACC matter’. Elizabeth King, who was convicted in the NRA/ E cobank matter, has served her five year jail sentence but still in detention at the Female Correctional Centre, since she could not pay the 90 million Leones fine imposed on her by the court. The Legal Aid Board says it has secured her bail. News story F 235 AYV ‘ACC takes Pay No Bribe campaign to Mambolo’. The Northern Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on ACC F

43. 43 Honourable Justice Monfred Sesay, on Friday 26 th October 2018, sentenced John Amara and Ibrahim Bah to a fin e of Thirty Million Leones (Le 30,000,000) each, or a three - year jail term. It could be recalled that on Saturday 5 th November 2016, at Makeni in the North of Sierra Leone, the two were caught stealing up to Ten Thousand, Five Hundred and Ten (10, 510) lit ers of diesel belonging to EGTC. 223 Nightwatch ‘ ACC takes integrity campaign to schools’. ACC as part of its commitment to educate and encourage school pupils to imbibe values of integrity, on Wednesday 24 th and Thursday 25 th October 2018 concluded sensitization meetings at the Russell Technical and Benguema Secondary Schools in the Western Area Rural District. Staff of the Public Education and External Outreach Department of the Commission addressed pupils and teachers of the schools on issues of bribery and corruption in the education sector and to solic it their support in the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 224 Nightwatch ‘ACC secures conviction in Makeni’. The High Court of Sierra Leone, Holden at Makeni, and presided over by the Honourable Justice Monfred Sesay, on Friday 26 th October 2018, sentenced John Amara and Ibrahim Bah to a fine of Thirty Million Leones (Le 30,000,000) each, or a three - year jail term. It could be recalled that on Saturday 5 th November 2016, at Makeni in the North of Sierra Leone, the two were caught stealing up to Ten Thousand, Five Hundred and Ten (10, 510) liters of diesel belonging to EGTC. ACC F 225 Nightwatch ‘LAB secures bail in ACC matter’. Elizabeth King, who was co nvicted in the NRA/ Ecobank matter, has served her five year jail sentence but still in detention at the Female Correctional Centre, since she could not pay the 90 million Leones fine imposed on her by the court. The Legal Aid Board says it has secured her bail. ACC F 226 Global Times ‘Let the I nquiries begin’. The author, Winstanley R. Bankole Johnson, believes that now that the Commissions of I nquiries into the activities of the past Government have passed Commentary A

30. 30 former boss and first accused, Sheku Sahid Kamara. 1 62 Nightwatch ‘Justice Fynn rules on ‘No case submission’ motion’. This is about the ruling by Justice Reginald Fynn which acquits SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara of eight of the eleven counts brought against them by the ACC. While the Judge states that the two had no case to answer on the said charges, they must f ace trial on the three remaining charges. News story F 18 th October, 2018 163 Nightwatch ‘In Hajj case...Social Welfare Ministry Accountant testifies’. Ibrahim Sesay, Accountant at the Ministry of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs has testified before Justice Reginald Fynn in the ongoing Hajj trial. Sesay explained procedures for the withdrawal of fu nds from the 2017 Hajj accoun ts and some of the withdrawals that were authorised by the accused persons. News story F 1 64 Nightwatch ‘ACC will pursue corrupt officials in my Government’. President Maada Bio was responding to questions posed by an international media outlet, which he told that corruption is a national security threat and that he has given the ACC operational independence to ensure that corrupt persons are brought to book even if they belong to his Government. News story F 1 65 New Vision ‘More witnesses for Hajj case’. This quotes the Director of Prosecu tion Calvin Mant sebo as saying that the Commission intends to bring in more witnesses to testify on its behalf in the Hajj trial. This came in the wake of the testimony of Ibrahim Sesay, Accountant at the Ministry of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs who testif ied before Justice Reginald Fynn. Sesay explained procedures for the withdrawal of fun ds from the 2017 Hajj account s and some of the withdrawals that were authorised by the accused persons. News story F 1 66 Standard Times ‘China determined to fight corruption’. This is an article culled from the China Daily and it reaffirms the Communist Party of China led - government’s commitment to fight corruption News story A

49. 49 has recovered a total sum of Five Billion, Four Hundred and Sixty - Five Million, Nin e Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy - Four Leones (Le: 5,465,911,374) within the last five months. These monies, recovered between 6 th June and 29 th October, 2018, are with the Commission awaiting onward payments into the Consolidated Re venue Fund. 248 Standard Times ‘Double - dipping...ACC recovers Le5.4 billion’. A press release from the ACC informs the public that the Commission has recovered a total sum of Five Billion, Four Hundred and Sixty - Five Million, Nine Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy - Four Leones (Le: 5,465,911,374) within the last five months. These monies, recovered between 6 th June and 29 th October, 2018, are with the Commission awaiting onward payments into the Consolidated Revenue Fund. ACC F 24 9 Examiner ‘ACC convicts two people’. The High Court of Sierra Leone, Holden at Makeni, and presided over by the Honourable Justice Monfred Sesay, on Friday 26 th October 2018, sentenced John Amara and Ibrahim Bah to a fine of Thirty Million Leones (Le 30,0 00,000) each, or a three - year jail term. It could be recalled that on Saturday 5 th November 2016, at Makeni in the North of Sierra Leone, the two were caught stealing up to Ten Thousand, Five Hundred and Ten (10, 510) liters of diesel belonging to EGTC. ACC F 250 New Vision ‘ACC delays Hajj case’. According to the story, the ACC showed up late in the Monday Hajj proceeding forcing the court to stand down for 30 minutes. After the stand down, ACC Counsel Emmanuel K . Amara Esq. , informed the court that the Commission was not ready to present its witness on that day as the said witness was out of the jurisdiction and that all efforts to track him had proved futile, prompting Justice Reginald Fynn to say that the prosecution did no t act with courtesy. News story UF 251 Nationalist ‘ACC recovers Le 5.4 billion’. A press release from the ACC informs the public that the Commission has recovered a total sum of ACC F

29. 29 trial’. This makes reference to the announcement made in court by Director of Prosecution Calvin Mantsebo that the prosecution would add more witnesses to testify on its behalf in the Hajj matter. 1 56 The Watch ‘APC corruption probe to start soon’. This makes reference to the pending debate on the three instrum ents for the setting up of the Commissions of I nquiry into the activities of the former APC Government and the Govern ance Transition Report. News story A 1 57 Awoko ‘Hajj - gate trial continues’. Abass Sesay, former personal assistant to the first accused in the Hajj trial Sheka Sahid Kamara has told the court that he witnessed his boss packing $80,000 purportedly for former Vice President Victor Foh. News story F 15 8 Awoko ‘Judge acquits Johansen and Kamara of 8 charges’. This is about the ruling by Justice Reginald Fynn which acquits SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara of eight of the eleven counts brought against them by the ACC. While the Judge states that the two had no case to answer on the said charges, they must face trial on the three remaining charges. News story F 15 9 Frontpage ‘Isha Johansen acquitted’. This is about the ruling by Justice Reginald Fynn which acquits SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara of eight of the eleven counts brought against them by the ACC. While the Judge states that the two had no case to answer on the said charges, they must face trial on the three remaining charges. News story F 1 60 New Vision ‘More trouble for Isha Johansen’. This is about the ruling by Justice Reginald Fynn which acquits SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara of eight of the eleven counts brought against them by the ACC. While the Ju dge states that the two had no case to answer on the said charges, they must face trial on the three remaining charges. News story F 1 61 New Vision ‘ACC Boss storms court’. The story states that Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq ., witnessed the Hajj trial as one Abass Sesay the third prosecution witness testified against his News story F

47. 47 motivate them to act and address issues of bribery. 239 Newswatch ‘LAB secures bail in ACC matter’. Elizabeth K ing, who was convicted in the NRA/ Ecobank matter, has served her five year jail sentence but still in detention at the Female Correctional Centre, since she could not pay the 90 million Leones fine imposed on her by the court. The Legal Aid Board says it has secured her bail. News story F 240 Newswatch ‘ACC secures conviction in Makeni’. The High Court of Sierra Leone, Holden at Makeni, and presided over by the Honourable Justice Monfred Ses ay, on Friday 26 th October 2018, sentenced John Amara and Ibrahim Bah to a fine of Thirty Million Leones (Le 30,000,000) each, or a three - year jail term. It could be recalled that on Saturday 5 th November 2016, at Makeni in the North of Sierra Leone, the t wo were caught stealing up to Ten Thousand, Five Hundred and Ten (10, 510) liters of diesel belonging to EGTC. ACC F 241 Newswatch ‘ACC takes integrity campaign to schools’. ACC as part of its commitment to educate and encourage school pupils to imbibe values of integrity, on Wednesday 24 th and Thursday 25 th October 2018 concluded sensitization meetings at the Russell Technical and Benguema Secondary Schools in the Western Area Rural District. Staff of the Public Education and External Outreach Departmen t of the Commission addressed pupils and teachers of the schools on issues of bribery and corruption in the education sector and to solicit their support in the Pay No Bribe campaign. ACC F 30 th October, 2018 242 Concord Times ‘ACC Czar recovers over Le 5.4 bn in last five months’. A press release from the ACC informs the public that the Commission has recovered a total sum of Five Billion, Four Hundred and Sixty - Five Million, Nine Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy - Four Leones (Le: 5,465,911,374) within the last five months. These monies, recovered between 6 th June and 29 th October, 2018, are with the Commission ACC F

25. 25 This quotes the Minister of Sports Ibrahim Nyelenkeh as saying that the Government is firmly in support of the ACC matter against SLFA President Isha Johansen and General Secretary Chris Kamara and that the Government will not interfere in the said matter; adding that FIFA should also endeavour to listen to the side of the Government on the matter. 133 Nightwatch ‘ACC dialogues with officers of Mafanta Correctional Service’. The Northern Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) continues to heighten public awareness and forge partnership with strategic institutions in the Region in a bid to combat br ibery and petty corruption. On Tuesday 9th October 2018, the Office engaged officers of the Mafanta Correctional Service in Mafanta Village, Tonkolili District. ACC F 15 th October, 2018 134 Metro ‘Get this SLFA mess sorted out!’. The paper claims that one of its previous editorials that called on the Government to finds ways of resolving the SLFA/FIFA matter was not heeded to. The paper suggested that the ACC indictment against Isha Johansen and Chris Kamara has no timeline and the refore can wait until the two leave office so the country can get on with its football activities. Editorial UF 1 35 Metro ‘APC corruption probe to start soon’. The three instruments of the Govern ance Transition Report for the setting up of a C ommission of I nquiry will be debated by Members of Parliament soon. News story A 1 36 Nightwatch ‘Head of Consular testifies in Hajj trial’. Sulaiman Issa Turay, Head o f Consular Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday 12 th October, 2018 testified on behalf of the prosecution before Justice Reginald Fynn in the matter between the State and persons indicted by the ACC over the 2017 Hajj programme. News story F 1 37 Awoko ‘Mining activities, corruption threaten schools near Kenema’. The story says that mining activities and corruption in schools are the greatest threats to children’s education in News story A

41. 41 motivate them to act and address issues of bribery. 214 New Storm ‘Big task for ACC’. This article by Alieu V. Kaisamba calls the attention of th e ACC to be vigilant and robust in the fight against corruption, especially so when the APC Members of Parliament overwhelmingly voted against the inst ruments for the setting of the Commissions of I nquiry; an act he says shows the membership of the party are not serious about the fight against corruption. Commentary F 215 New Storm ‘ACC presents NACS Monitoring Report to MDAs’. The ACC on Tuesday presented the draft copy of the report on the monitoring of the implementation of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy (NACS) 2014 - 2018 Action Plan to members of the Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of Government. The presentation took place at a validation workshop held at the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Finance, George Street, Freetown. ACC F 216 Whispers ‘Anti - Corruption Commission investigating Antar’s dodgy passports’. Th e story is about a Lebanese man named Yusuf Antar, who the paper says is under investigation by the ACC for being in possession of a diplomatic passport. News story F 29 th October, 2018 217 New Vision ‘ACC jails 2 - fined Le 30M each’. The High Court of Sierra Leone, Holden at Makeni, and presided over by the Honourable Justice Monfred Sesay, on Friday 26 th October 2018, sentenced John Amara and Ibrahim Bah to a fine of Thirty Million Leones (Le 30,000,000) each, or a three - year jail term. It cou ld be recalled that on Saturday 5 th November 2016, at Makeni in the North of Sierra Leone, the two were caught stealing up to Ten Thousand, Five Hundred and Ten (10, 510) liters of diesel belonging to EGTC. ACC F 218 New Vision ‘ACC takes Pay No Bribe campaign to Mambolo’. The Northern Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) on Friday 19th October 2018 held a sensitization ACC F

8. 8 trial of former Vice President and others. Lead defence counsel representing the third defendant in the Hajj case Hon . Hindolo Gevao threat ened to subpoena former President Koroma to testify in defence of his former Vice President over the payment of sixty thousand US dollar s payment made to the ACC on his instructions. 27 Nationalist ‘ACC Deputy speaks on benefits of member ship status at IACA’. ACC Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies has spoken of the benefits of attaining a membership status at the International Anti - Corruption Academy (IACA) in Vienna, Austria. Mr. Davies was speaking after attending this year’s Assembly o f Parties of IACA in Vienna. The event saw the re - election of the Executive and Members of the Board of Governors of the IACA in line with Rule 22 of the Rules of Procedures for the Assembly of Parties. ACC F 28 Nationalist ‘ACC engages IIMUN on importance of Assets Declaration in the fight against corruption’ . The Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach Department of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), Alhassan Kargbo has admonished delegates of the Initiative for International Model U nited Nations (IIMUN) Conference on the relevance of asset declaration in the fight against corruption. He said this at the opening session of a Conference supported by the United Nations at the British Council Hall in Freetown to over100 delegates of IIMU N. ACC F 4 th October, 2018 29 Trumpet ‘ACC and MADAM dialogue with education stakeholders on the PNB Campaign’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC and the NGO, MADAM, engaged education stakeholders in Makeni on the need to combat cases of bribery and petty corruption in schools. ACC F 30 Trumpet ‘ACC sensitizes Makoth Community on the Pay No Bribe Campaign’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC organised a sensitization programme on the Pay No Bribe campaign for residents of Makoth, Gbanti Chiefdom, Bombali District. ACC F 31 Trumpet ‘ At this year’s Assembly of Parties , ACC Deputy speaks on benefits of membership status at IACA’. ACC Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies has spoken of the benefits of attaining a membership status at the ACC F

50. 50 Five Billion, Four Hundred and Sixty - Five Million, Nine Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy - Four Leones (Le: 5,465,911,374) within the last five months. These monies, recovered between 6 th June and 29 th October, 2018, are with the Commission awaiting onward payments into the Consolidated Revenue Fund. 252 Spectator ‘CHRDI reiterates its call for the ACC - SL to be more effective’. This is a bout a press statement by the Campaign for Human Rights and Development International (CHRDI) calling on the ACC to be more effective in the fight against corrup tion, be transparent in its handling of recoveries and for it to be providing updates on its cases in court. News story UF 253 Spectator LAB secures bail in ACC matter’. Elizabeth King, who was convicted in the NRA/ Ecobank matter, has served her five year jail sentence but still in detention at the Female Correctional Centre, since she could not pay the 90 million Leones fine imposed on her by the court. The Legal Aid Boa rd says it has secured her bail. News story F 254 Health ‘‘ACC recovers over 5.4 billion Leones in last five months’. A press release from the ACC informs the public that the Commission has recovered a total sum of Five Billion, Four Hundred and Sixty - F ive Million, Nine Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy - Four Leones (Le: 5,465,911,374) within the last five months. These monies, recovered between 6 th June and 29 th October, 2018, are with the Commission awaiting onward payments into the Consolidated Revenue Fund. ACC F 255 Health ‘US14M Ebola funds gone missing’. This quotes anonymous Ebola survivors as saying that the previous Government misappropriated over 14 million US Dollars meant for the fight against Ebola. The survivors theref ore welcomed the setting of the commissions of inquiries into how those funds were spent. News story F 256 Premier News ‘ACC recovers over Le 5.4 bn’. A press release from the ACC informs the public that the Commission has recovered a total sum of ACC F

52. 52 School for Girls Aminata Sesay has called on the ACC to put measures in place to protect citizens who report matters of corruption to the Commission, pointing out that whistle blowers are often at risk. 262 Times SL ‘ACC recuperates over 5.4 billion in 5 months’. A press release from the ACC informs the pub lic that the Commission has recovered a total sum of Five Billion, Four Hundred and Sixty - Five Million, Nine Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy - Four Leones (Le: 5,465,911,374) within the last five months. These monies, recovered between 6 th June and 29 th October, 2018, are with the Commission awaiting onward payments into the Consolidated Revenue Fund. ACC F 263 For Di People ‘ACC recovers over 5.4 billion Leones in last five months’. A press release from the ACC informs the public that the Commission has recovered a total sum of Five Billion, Four Hundred and Sixty - Five Million, Nine Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy - Four Leones (Le: 5,465,911,374) within the last five months. These monies, recovered between 6 th Jun e and 29 th October, 2018, are with the Commission awaiting onward payments into the Consolidated Revenue Fund. ACC F 264 For Di People ' LAB secures bail in ACC matter’. Elizabeth King, who was convicted in the NRA/ Eco B ank matter, has served her five year jail sentence but still in detention at the Female Correctional Centre, since she could not pay the 90 million Leones fine imposed on her by the court. The Legal Aid Board says it has secured her bail. News story F 2 65 The Future ‘ACC retrieves Le5B in five months’. A press release from the ACC informs the public that the Commission has recovered a total sum of Five Billion, Four Hundred and Sixty - Five Million, Nine Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy - Four Leones (Le: 5,465,911,374) within the last five months. These monies, recovered between 6 th June and 29 th October, 2018, are with the Commission ACC F

31. 31 in the Asian country. 1 67 Independent Observer ‘Corruption scandal...ACC to investigate Ombudsman Executive Secretary’. The paper claims that the Executive Secretary of the Office of the Ombudsman Shekou Sorsor Conteh falsified the payroll of staff and presented a new payroll for staff to the Ministry of Finance for 2019. News story F 16 8 Satellite ‘A case for the ACC...$ 1M traffic lights deal exposed’. The story calls for ACC to investigate the traffic light project by the last regime; adding that a one million dollar cost of the project was not done to the Croat ian contractors. News story F 16 9 Premier News ‘Accountant testifies in Hajjgate trial’. Ibrahim Sesay, Accountant at the Ministry of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs has testified before Justice Reginald Fynn in the ongoing Hajj trial. Sesay explained procedures for the withdrawal of fun ds from the 2017 Hajj account s and some of the withdrawals that were authorised by the accused persons. News story F 1 70 Awoko ‘Hajj - gate trial continues...Billions at stake’. Ibrahim Sesay, Accountant at the Ministry of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs has testified before Justice Reginald Fynn in the ongoing Hajj trial. Sesay explained procedures for the withdrawal of fun ds from the 2017 Hajj account s and some of the withdrawals that were a uthorised by the accused persons. News story F 1 71 Awoko ‘FIFA statutes in the age of our global village’. The author, Beny Sam, asked whether FIFA statutes are in line with our local laws, especially those like the AC Act 2008 that are geared towards combating financial malfeasance. He says , he thinks they do and believes that all must respect the ACC matter, which should not be undermined. Commentary F 19 th October, 2018 172 Awoko ‘Bursar convicted for collecting deceased teacher salary’. A press release from the ACC states that Bursar of the Milton Comprehensive Secondary School in Bo Solomon Mitchell Kamara has been fined by a High Court ACC F

7. 7 Declaration in the fight against corruption’ . The Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach Department of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), Alhassan Kargbo has admonished delegates of the Initiative for International Model United Nations (IIMUN) Conference on the relevance of asset declaration in the fight against corruption. He said this at the opening sessio n of a Conference supported by the United Nations at the British Council Hall in Freetown to over100 delegates of IIMUN. 22 Global Times ‘Hajj gate...President Koroma to appear in court’. Lead defence counsel representing the third defendant in the Ha jj case Hon . Hindolo Gevao has threatened to subpoena former President Koroma to testify in defence of his former Vice President over the payment of sixty thousand US dollar s payment made to the ACC on his instructions. News story F 23 Global Times ‘ACC engages IIMUN on importance of Assets Declaration in the fight against corruption’ . The Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach Department of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), Alhassan Kargbo has admonished delegates of the Initiative for Int ernational Model United Nations (IIMUN) Conference on the relevance of asset declaration in the fight against corruption. He said this at the opening session of a Conference supported by the United Nations at the British Council Hall in Freetown to over100 delegates of IIMUN. ACC F 24 Premier News ‘Former President to testify in Hajjgate trial’. Lead defence counsel representing the third defendant in the Hajj case Hon . Hindolo Gevao has threatened to subpoena former President Koroma to testify in defence of his former Vice President over the payment of sixty thousand US dollar payment made to the ACC on his instructions. News story F 25 New Citizen ‘Former VP’s lawye r cross - examines ACC witness’. This is about the cross - examination of ACC Prosecution witness Joseph Noah in the Hajj trial of former Vice President and others. Lead defence counsel representing the third defendant in the Hajj case Hon . Hindolo Gevao threatened to subpoena former President Koroma to testify in defence of his former Vice President over the payment of sixty thousand US dollar s payment made to the ACC on his instructions. News story F 26 Nationalist ‘Victor Foh’s lawyer cross - examines ACC witness’. This is about the cross - examination of ACC Prosecution witness Joseph Noah in the Hajj News story F

38. 38 Hall of the Ministry of Finance, George Street, Freetown. 201 Blade ‘Oba sanjo College opens Accountability Club’. The ACC on Monday 22nd October, 2018 launched the Accountability Now Club (ANC) at the Obasanjo Skills Acquisition and Youth Transformation College in Newton, along the Waterloo - Masiaka Highway. The ceremony was witnessed by hundreds of students and lecturers of the college. ACC F 202 AYV ‘Corruption looms in Kambia’. The story makes reference to the ACC double - dipping report on the Ministries of Agriculture and Health, indicating that 11 out of the 85 people engaged in double dipping are in Kambia District. News story F 203 AYV ‘Court told: Le 300M Hajj money in limbo’. Head of Tellers at ECOBANK Micahe l la Goba testified on behalf of the prosecution in the Hajj trial; telling the court that the first accused, Sheka Sahid Kamara aut horised for the opening of two bank accounts on 21 st August 2017. She said he deposited 300 million Leones in one of the accounts, whilst he asked for the transfer of 300 million Leones into the other account bearing his name. News story F 26 th October, 2018 204 Exclusive ‘ACC ends validation and monitoring exercise’. The ACC on Tuesday presented the draft copy of the report on the monitoring of the implementation of the National Anti - Corruption Strategy (NACS) 2014 - 2018 Action Plan to members of the Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of Government. The presentation took place at a validation workshop held at the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Finance, George Street, Freetown. ACC F 205 Concord Times ‘ACC launches integrity club in schools’. The ACC Public Education Department on Wednesday 24 th October, 2018 launched integrity clubs at the Bullom Ahmadiya Secondary School and the St Augustine Agricultural Secondary School in Kaffu B ullom, Chiefdom, Port Loko District. News story F 206 Nightwatch ‘Residents and pupils of Mapaki embrace ACC F

48. 48 awaiting onward payments into the Consolidated Revenue Fund. 243 Guardian Post ‘ACC recovers over 5.4 billion Leones ’. A press release from the ACC informs the public that the Commission has recovered a total sum of Five Billion, Four Hundred and Sixty - Five Million, Nine Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy - Four Leo nes (Le: 5,465,911,374) within the last five months. These monies, recovered between 6 th June and 29 th October, 2018, are with the Commission awaiting onward payments into the Consolidated Revenue Fund. ACC F 244 Education Microscope Legal Aid Board secures bail in ACC matter’. Elizabeth King, who was convicted in the NRA/ Ecobank matter, has served her five year jail sentence but still in detention at the Female Correctional Centre, since she could not pay the 90 million Leones fine i mposed on her by the court. The Legal Aid Board says it has secured her bail. News story F 245 Awoko ‘ACC recovers over Le 5 billion’. A press release from the ACC informs the public that the Commission has recovered a total sum of Five Billion, Four Hundred and Sixty - Five Million, Nine Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy - Four Leones (Le: 5,465,911,374) within the last five months. These monies, recovered between 6 th June and 29 th October, 2018, are with the Commission awaiting onwar d payments into the Consolidated Revenue Fund. ACC F 246 Independent Observer ‘ACC recovers over Le 5.4 bn’. A press release from the ACC informs the public that the Commission has recovered a total sum of Five Billion, Four Hundred and Sixty - Five Million, Nine Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy - Four Leones (Le: 5,465,911,374) within the last five months. These monies, recovered between 6 th June and 29 th October, 2018, are with the Commission awaiting onward payments into the Con solidated Revenue Fund. ACC F 247 Exclusive ‘ACC recovers over 5.4 billion Leones in last five months’. A press release from the ACC informs the public that the Commission ACC F

13. 13 his reign as immigration chief. 56 Exclusive ‘FIFA bans Salone’. This is about the suspension of the SLFA by world football governing body (FIFA) over the suspension of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and General Secretary Chris Kamara who were indicted by the ACC. News story F 57 Awoko ‘FIFA suspends Sierra Leone’. This is about the suspension of the SLFA by world football governing body (FIFA) over the suspension of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and General Secretary Chris Kamara who were indicted by the ACC. News story F 58 Momentum ‘Arrested in the UK...Kholifa Koroma to be extradited’. This is about reports that the ACC is in talks with relevant authorities in the UK to ensure that fugitive former Chief Immigration Officer of the Immigration Department Alpha Kholifa Koroma is extradit ed to Sierra Leone following his arrest in the UK on money laundering allegations. Koroma is wanted by the ACC to help with investigation into the issuance of service and diplomatic passports to undeserving persons during his reign as immigration chief. Ne ws story F 59 Nightwatch ‘ACC Kenema Office engages MDAs on development of a new strategy’. As the implementation of the 2014 - 2018 National Anti Corruption Strategy (NACS) ends this year, the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) office in Kenema on Tuesday 25th September, 2018 engaged focal persons of Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in Kenema on the review process of the current strategy and the development of the 2019 - 2023 Strategy. ACC F 60 Nightwatch ‘ACC takes PNB Campaign to Foredugu Community’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC conducted a sensitization meeting on the Pay No Bribe for residents of Foredugu Community, Buya Romende Chiefdom, Karene District. ACC F 61 Nightwatch ‘That FIFA ban on Sierra Leone... This is about the suspension of the SLFA by world football governing body (FIFA) over the suspension of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and General Secretary Chris Kamara who were indicted by the ACC. The paper says the public has been supportive of the ACC stance whilst lambasting FIFA for being hypocritical about their so - called fight against corruption. News story F 62 Peak ‘ACC Kenema Office engages MDAs on development of a new strategy’. As the ACC F

51. 51 Five Billion, Four Hundred and Sixty - Five Million, Nine Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy - Four Leones (Le: 5,465,911,374) within the last five months. These monies, recovered between 6 th June and 29 th October, 2018, are with the Commission awaiting onward payments into the Consolidated Revenue Fund. 257 Premier News ‘President Bio vows to recover all stolen monies’. This makes reference to the address made by President Julius Maada Bio in Kenema where he assured his audience that the Government will ensure that it recov ers all monies stolen from the State through the Commissions of I nquiry. News story A 31 st October, 2018 258 Calabash ‘ACC Czar retrieves $600,000 in 5 months. A press release from the ACC informs the public that the Commission has recovered a total sum of Five Billion, Four Hundred and Sixty - Five Million, Nine Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy - Four Leones (Le: 5,465,911,374) within the last five months. These monies, recovered between 6 th June and 29 th October, 2018, are with the Commission awaiting onward payments into the Consolidated Revenue Fund. ACC F 259 Nightwatch ‘NPPA approves sole sourcing, waivers fiti - fata’. The story accuses the Chief Executive Officer of the National Public Procurement Authority Ibrahim Swarray of breaching procurement procedures to award big road contracts. News story A 260 Newswatch ‘ACC recovers over 5.4 Billion Leones’. A press release from the ACC informs the public that the Commission has recovered a total sum of Five Billion, Four Hundred and Sixty - Five Million, Nine Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy - Four Leones (Le: 5,465,911,374) within the last five months. These monies, recovered between 6 th June and 29 th October, 2018, are with the Commission awaiting onward payments into the Consolidated Revenue Fund. ACC F 261 Concord Times ‘ACC urged to safeguard whistleblowers’. The Principal of the Freetown Secondary News story F

9. 9 International Anti - Corruption Academy (IACA) in Vienna, Austria. Mr. Davies was speaking after attending this year’s Assembly of Parties of IACA in Vienna. The event saw the re - election of the Executive and Members of the Board of Governors of the IACA in line with Rule 22 of the Rules of Procedures for the Assembly of Parties. 32 Trumpet ‘ACC engages IIMUN on importance of Assets Declaration in the fight against corruption’ . The Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach Department of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC), Alhassan Kargbo has admonished delegates of the Initiative for International Model United Nations (IIMUN) Conference on the relevance of asset declaration in the fight against corruption. He said this at the opening sessi on of a Conference supported by the United Nations at the British Council Hall in Freetown to over100 delegates of IIMUN. ACC F 33 New Citizen ‘ACC sensitizes Makoth Community on the Pay No Bribe Campaign’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC organised a sensitization programme on the Pay No Bribe campaign for residents of Makoth, Gbanti Chiefdom, Bombali District. ACC F 34 New Citizen ‘ACC and MADAM dialogue with education stakeholders on the PNB Campaign’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC and the NGO, MADAM, engaged education stakeholders in Makeni on the need to combat cases of bribery and petty corruption in schools. ACC F 35 Standard Times ‘ACC sensitizes Makoth Community on the Pay No Bribe Campaign’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC organised a sensitization programme on the Pay No Bribe campaign for residents of Makoth, Gbanti Chiefdom, Bombali District. ACC F 36 Standard Times ‘ACC and MADAM dialogue with education stakeholders on the PNB Campaign’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC and the NGO, MADAM, engaged education stakeholders in Makeni on the need to combat cases of bribery and petty corruption in schools. ACC F 37 Nationalist ‘ACC, MADAM - SL dialogue on PNB Campaign’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC and the NGO, MADAM , engaged education stakeholders in Makeni on the need to combat cases of bribery and petty corruption in schools. ACC F 38 Nationalist ‘Political Affairs Ministry to account for Le News story A

27. 27 over a 2016 contract for the supply of uniforms for the army and for which an advance payment of 10% of the 33,461,816 USD contract cost was made; but that no single uniform has been supplied since then. 16 th October, 2018 145 Standard Times ‘As High Court rules there is no case to answer to...Madam Johansen granted permission to travel to Zurich’. This is about the ruling by Justice Reginald Fynn which acquits SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara of eight of the eleven counts brought against them by the ACC. While the Judge states that the two had no case to answer on the said charges, they must face trial on the three remaining charges. News story F 1 46 Global Times ‘ACC Commissioner appears in court’. The story states that Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq ., witnessed the Hajj trial as one Abass Sesay the third prosecution witness testified against his former boss and first accused, Sheku Sahid Kamara . News story A 1 47 Global Times ‘Judge rules against SLFA Bosses’. This is about the ruling by Justice Reginald Fynn which acquits SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara of eight of the eleven counts brought against them by the ACC. While the Judge states that the two had no case to answer on the said charges, they must face trial on the three remaining charges. News story F 14 8 Premier News ‘SLFA President acquitted on abuse of office charges’. This is about the ruling by Justice Reginald Fynn which acquits SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara of eight of the eleven counts brought against them by the ACC. Whil e the Judge states that the two had no case to answer on the said charges, they must face trial on the three remaining charges. News story F 14 9 Premier News ‘Judge warns first accused in Hajjgate trial’. This is a warning given to the fi rst accused in the Hajj trial Sheka Sahid Kamara alias Shekito following an objection raised by defense lawyer Hindolo Gevao Esq ., that he (Kamara) was gesticulating to prosecution witness Abass Sesay. News story F 1 50 Nationalist ‘Isha scores hat trick against ACC’. This is News story UF

10. 10 275M’. This makes reference to the 2014 - 2017 audit reports, which show that payment vouchers and supporting documents were not submitted for cash withdrawals amounting to Le 275,437,500 made from the United Bank for Africa account of the Ministry of Political and Public Affairs. 39 Na tionalist ‘Anti - graft institution sensitizes Makoth Community’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC organised a sensitization programme on the Pay No Bribe campaign for residents of Makoth, Gbanti Chiefdom, Bombali District. ACC F 40 Spectator ‘ACC and MADAM dialogue with education stakeholders on the PNB Campaign’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC and the NGO, MADAM, engaged education stakeholders in Makeni on the need to combat cases of bribery and petty corruption in schools. ACC F 41 Spectator ‘ACC sensitizes Makoth Community on the Pay No Bribe Campaign’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC organised a sensitization programme on the Pay No Bribe campaign for residents of Makoth, Gbanti Chiefdom, Bombali District. ACC F 42 The Comment ‘TPMS’ Sahr Ngegba in more criminal acts’. The paper claims that Sahr Ngegba of TPMS who is under ACC investigation is ‘sidestepping arrangements he has with the ACC ’ . News story F 43 New Vision ‘ACC sensitizes Makoth Community on the Pay No Bribe Campaign’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC organised a sensitization programme on the Pay No Bribe campaign for residents of Makoth, Gbanti Chiefdom, Bombali District. ACC F 44 New Vision ‘ACC and MADAM dialogue with education stakeholders on the PNB Campaign’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC and the NGO, MADAM, engaged education stakeholders in Makeni on the need to combat cases of bribery and petty corruption in schools. ACC F 5 th October, 2018 45 The Voice ‘NPPA Boss stands against corruption’. The Executive Director of the National Public Procurement Authority Ibrahim Swarray says he will work to ensure that public offices adhere to public procurement rules and processes. Whilst launching the institution’s bulletin, he said his office will not tolerate any breach of the public procurement processes. News story A 46 Concord Times ‘ACC to extradite fugitive former Immigration Chief’. Head of Outreach Unit Abubakarr Turay is News stor y F

14. 14 implementation of the 2014 - 2018 National Anti Corruption Strategy (NACS) ends this year, the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) office in Kenema on Tuesday 25th September, 2018 engaged focal persons of Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in Kenema on the review process of the current strategy and the development of the 2019 - 2023 Strategy. 63 Standard Times ‘On FIFA ban...Chief Minister supports ACC’. At the meeting of football stakeholders summoned at State House, the Chief Mi nister Prof . David Francis says the Government will not interfere with the ACC matter against the SLFA President Isha Johansen and Chris Kamara, in spite of the ban by FIFA over their suspension. News story F 64 Standard Times ‘ FIFA suspends Sierra Leone...two persons survive, millions perish’. The paper says the ACC indictees Isha Johansen and Chris Kamara have not shown any sign of patriotism when they refused to step down following their indictment; adding that the ACC’s position on the issue has be en laudable. News story F 65 Q - Sport ‘FIFA bans Salone’. This is about the suspension of the SLFA by world football governing body (FIFA) over the suspension of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and General Secretary Chris Kamara who were indicted by the ACC. News story F 66 Q - Sport ‘FIFA ban on SL is an act of tyranny’. The author, John Mansaray, describes the suspension of Sierra Leone as tyrannical, especially so when the reasons for the suspension hinges on their ultimatum to restore SLFA President Isha Johansen and General Secretary Chris Kamara who are facing corruption charges. Commentary F 67 AYV ‘Our position remains the same - ACC Boss Kaifala unfazed’. This quotes Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq ., as saying that the position of the ACC remains unchanged in the SLFA matter following the decision of FIFA to suspend Sierra Leone as a result. News story F 68 AYV ‘ACC Kenema Office engages MDAs’. As the implementation of the 2014 - 2018 National Anti Corruption Strategy (NACS) ends this year, the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) office in Kenema on Tuesday 25th September, 2018 engaged focal persons of Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in Kenema on the review process of the current strategy and the development of the 2019 - 2023 Strategy. ACC F

35. 35 the integrity club of the Government Rokel Secondary School in a bid to promote values of integrity among school children. 23 rd October, 2018 187 Frontpage ‘School bursar jailed for fraud’. A press release from the ACC states that Bursar of the Milton Comprehensive Secondary School in Bo , Solomon Mitchell Kamara has been fined by a High Court Holden in Bo, presided by Justice Unisa Kamara, the sum of thirty million Leones o r serve a three year jail term following his conviction on three counts of misappropriation of public funds related to his act of collecting the salaries of a deceased teacher. ACC F 188 Education Microscope ‘School Bursar to pay 30million leones or 3 y ear jail term’. A press release from the ACC states that Bursar of the Milton Comprehensive Secondary School in Bo , Solomon Mitchell Kamara has been fined by a High Court Holden in Bo, presided by Justice Unisa Kamara, the sum of thirty million Leones or s erve a three year jail term following his conviction on three counts of misappropriation of public funds related to his act of collecting the salaries of a deceased teacher. ACC F 24 th October, 2018 189 Standard Times ‘Corruption is obstructing our nation’s progress!’. This is one of the articles by the late Issa B.M. Kamara, former Editor of the paper. He made the argument that corruption has adversely affected the country’s development, calling on the ACC, the police and other law enforcement agencies to act tough in curbing the scourge. Commentary F 190 Weekly Analyst ‘KDC to account for Le 790,000 ,000 ’. This makes reference to the 2016 Auditor General’s Report which highlights some anomalies in a 790 million Leones bridge project, stating that the contractor who was awarded the contract did not produce any evidence of having undertaken similar project before or having the financial wherewithal to undertake the project. News story A 25 th October, 2018 191 The Future Reverend Ibrahim Koroma, the National Coordinator of Youth in Drainage Clearing ACC F

16. 16 writer however advises that the Pr esident should also make sure that he avoids close relationships with people who have been accused of corruption in the past. 7 7 New Vision ‘NCRA Boss exposes corruption’. The story says the Director General of the National Civil Registration Authority Mohamed M . Massaquoi has unearthed a corruption scheme in which his predecessor at the Authority allegedly disregarded the executive order on employment and went ahead and recruited over 150 staff and placed them in strategic positio ns. The paper also accused one Mohamed Salia Bao and one Soko who have been accused of financial impropriety; something that requires the attention of the ACC. News story F 7 8 New Citizen ‘ACC sensitizes residents of Rokulan on PNB Campaign’. The Northern Region Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) has conducted a sensitization programme for residents of Rokulan Community in the Sanda Tenderen Chiefdom, Karene District. The programme which took place on 27 th September 2018, aimed at heigh tening public awareness in rural communities on the Pay No Bribe. ACC F 7 9 New Citizen ‘ACC ends marathon campaign against corruption’. The ACC Sub - Regional Office in Kono conducted a series of sensitization events in Sewafe Chiefdom, Kono District, on various corruption issues affecting the chiefdom. ACC F 80 Front P age ‘Ex - Immigration boss on bail for money laundering’. This is about reports that the ACC is in talks with relevant authorities in the UK to ensure that fugitive former Chief Immigration O fficer of the Immigration Department Alpha Kholifa Koroma is extradited to Sierra Leone following his arrest in the UK on money laundering allegations. Koroma is wanted by the ACC to help with investigation into the issuance of service and diplomatic passp orts to undeserving persons during his reign as immigration chief. News story F 81 Front P age ‘ACC takes anti - bribery campaign to Foredugu’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC conducted a sensitization meeting on the Pay No Bribe for residents of Foredugu Community, Buya Romende Chiefdom, Karene District. ACC F 8 2 Front Page ‘ACC engages MDAs’. As the implementation of the 2014 - 2018 National Anti Corruption Strategy (NACS) ends this year, the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) office in Kenema on T uesday 25th September, 2018 engaged focal persons of ACC F

18. 18 of the Commission on the SLFA matter; that the position of the ACC remains unchanged following the decision of FIFA to suspend Sierra Leone. 90 Awoko ‘Secretary to President Bio named in Hajj - gate trial’. A runa Bundu - Conteh, the defence lawyer for the first accused in the Hajj trial Sheka Sahid Kamara has requested for the Secretary to the President Dr . Julius Sandy to testify in the trial over his alle ged authorization to withdraw one million US dollars from the Hajj account. News story F 9 1 Awoko ‘FIFA ban leads to cancellation of Sierra Leone’s match with Ghana’. This is about the suspension of the SLFA by world football governing body (FIFA) over the suspension of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and General Secretary Chris Kamara who were indicted by the ACC. The suspension means that the pending back - to - back matches between Sierra Leone and Ghana have been cancelled. News story F 9 2 Aw oko ‘FIFA says suspension stands’. Following the request made by football stakeholders for the lift of the suspension on Sierra Leone, FIFA have insisted that the suspension stands. News story F 9 3 Cotton Tree ‘ACC sensitizes Rokulan residents on PNB campaign’. The Northern Region Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) has conducted a sensitization programme for residents of Rokulan Community in the Sanda Tenderen Chiefdom, Karene District. The programme which took place on 27 th September 2018, aimed at heightening public awareness in rural communities on the Pay No Bribe. ACC F 9 4 Cotton Tree ‘ACC engages Kenema’. As the implementation of the 2014 - 2018 National Anti Corruption Strategy (NACS) ends this year, the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) office in Kenema on Tuesday 25th September, 2018 engaged focal persons of Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in Kenema on the review process of the current strate gy and the development of the 2019 - 2023 Strategy. ACC F 9 5 Sierra Update ‘ACC Kenema Office engages MDAs on the development of a new strategy’. As the implementation of the 2014 - 2018 National Anti Corruption Strategy (NACS) ends this year, the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) office in Kenema on Tuesday 25th September, 2018 engaged focal persons of Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) of Ministr ies, Departments ACC F

22. 22 Nyelenkeh to hold talks with ACC indictees Isha Johansen and Chris Kamara and allowing her to write a letter to FIFA even though the Commission has insisted that she should undertake no official function as President of the SLFA. 12 th October , 2018 1 16 The Future Reverend Ibrahim Koroma, the National Coordinator of Youth in Drainage Clearing Project in the MINISTRY of YOUTH AFFAIRS Freetown and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Youth Cleaning Employment Scheme of No. 46 New Site Old Wharf Wellington, is declared WAN TED by the ACC to assist with an ongoing investigation relating to corruption offences. ACC F 1 17 The Future Vidal Wray, of No. 2 Bath Street, Brookfields, Freetown, an employee of the West African Examinations Council, (WAEC) Clerk I, Freetown is declared WANTED by the ACC to assist with an ongoing investigation relating to corruption offences. ACC F 11 8 The Future ‘ACC dialogues with officers of Mafanta Correctional Service’. The Northern Regional Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) continues to heighten public awareness and forge partnership with strategic institutions in the Region in a bid to combat br ibery and petty corruption. On Tuesday 9th October 2018, the Office engaged officers of the Mafanta Correctional Service in Mafanta Village, Tonkolili District. ACC F 11 9 The Future ‘Over Le 1.4B n lost to 85 ghost civil servants’. This makes reference to the ACC double - dipping report on the Ministries of Agriculture and Health which reveals that certain officers who have abandoned their job are still receiving salaries from the Government payroll. News story F 1 20 Spectator Reverend Ibrahim Koroma, the National Coordinator of Youth in Drainage Clearing Project in the MINISTRY of YOUTH AFFAIRS Freetown and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Youth Cleaning Employment Scheme of No. 46 New Site Old Wharf Wellington, is declared WANTED by the ACC to assist wit h an ongoing investigation relating to corruption offences. ACC F 1 21 Spectator Vidal Wray, of No. 2 Bath Street, Brookfields, Freetown, an employee of the West African Examinations Council, (WAEC) Clerk I, Freetown is declared WANTED by the ACC to ACC F

19. 19 and Agencies (MDAs) in Kenema on the review process of the current strategy and the development of the 2019 - 2023 Strategy. 9 6 Sierra Update ‘ACC sensitizes Rokulan residents on PNB campaign’. The Northern Region Office of the Anti - C orruption Commission (ACC) has conducted a sensitization programme for residents of Rokulan Community in the Sanda Tenderen Chiefdom, Karene District. The programme which took place on 27 th September 2018, aimed at heightening public awareness in rural communities on the Pay No Bribe. ACC F 9 7 Sierra Update ‘Marathon campaign against corruption in Sewafe Chiefdom ends’. The ACC Sub - Regional Office in Kono conducted a series of sensitization events in Sewafe Chiefdom, Kono District, on various corruption issues affecting the chiefdom. ACC F 9 8 Sierra Update ‘ACC takes PNB campaign to Foredugu Community’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC conducted a sensitization meeting on the Pay No Bribe for residents of Foredugu Community, Buya Romende Chiefdom, Karene District. ACC F 9 9 Sierra Update ‘Sierra Leone races against time in appeal against FIFA suspension’. Following the decision by FIFA to reject the appeal by FIFA and the ultimatum that Isha Johansen be reinstated before 17:00 GMT, the paper says that the country races against time to meet the deadline. The SLFA President Isha Johansen and her General Secretary Chris Kamara are facing corruption charges by the ACC. News story F 100 Unique News ‘ACC boss won’t bow to graft - clouded FIFA’. This makes reference to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala ’s Twitter post following the suspension of Sierra Leone by FIFA in which the Commissioner said sitting to talk with a graft - clouded boy lik e FIFA won’t bear any fruits, adding that the laws of the country must be respected. News story F 101 Unique News ‘President Bio’s Secretary roped in Hajjgate trial’. A runa Bundu - Conteh, the defence lawyer for the first accused in the Hajj trial Sheka S ahid Kamara has requested for the Secretary to the President Dr . Julius Sandy to testify in the trial over his alleged authorization to withdraw one million US dollars from the Hajj account. News story F 10 2 Unity ‘ State House to salvage Salone F ootball’. The paper says in a bid to salvage the situation in the country’s football left behind by the former Government, the current Government will do all News story F

26. 26 the District. 13 8 Concord Times ‘Foreign Affairs Ministry staff testifies in Hajj - gate trial’. Sulaiman Issa Turay, Head of Consular Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday 12 th October, 2018 testified on behalf of the prosecution before Justice Reginald Fynn in the matter between the State and persons indicted by the ACC over the 2017 Hajj programme . News story F 13 9 Awareness Times ‘As they fight over correct names of listed witnesses in the ongoing corruption trial... Hajj - 2017: Judge cautions ACC & Defense Lawyers’. In the Hajj trial , Justice Reginald Fynn cautioned both the prosecution and defence teams to settle trivial matters outside the court in order not to waste the court’s time. This came after the two teams argued over the correct name of a prosecution witness. News story F 140 Awa reness Times ‘Prior planning in Hajj - 2017 corruption case’. This makes reference to the argument put forward by Yada Williams Esq . , the defence lawyer for Alhaji Minkailu Mansaray, 3 rd indictee in the Hajj matter ; that certain activities carried out by the defendants before the 2017 Hajj showed prior planning. News story F 1 41 Exclusive ‘Yah go do?’. This gives a chronology of events between the ACC and SLFA matter leading up to the suspension of Sierra Leone by FIFA and the positions of the Government and the ACC in the matter thereafter. News story F 1 42 Satellite ‘As former Immigration Boss nabbed ... APC fugitives change locations ’. Following the arrest of fugitive former Chief Immigration Officer Alpha Kholifa koroma in London, the paper says officials of the former Government have been changing locations with some using passports of other African countries. News story F 1 43 Standard Times ‘Madam Johanse n and Scribe in court today’. The corruption matter between the State and SLFA President Isha Johansen and Scribe Chris Kamara comes up today in the High Court presided over by Justice Reginald Fynn. News story F 1 44 The Comments ‘ACC to question Lebanese crook, Musa Antar’. The paper says the ACC will invite for questioning one Musa Antar of Yagala Enterprises News story F

21. 21 is wanted by the ACC to help with investigation into the issuance of service and diplomatic passports to undeserving persons during his reign as immigration chief. 110 New Storm ‘ACC ends marathon campaign against corruption in Sewafe Chiefdom’. The ACC Sub - Regional Office in Kono conducted a series of sensitization events in Sewafe Chiefdom, Kono District, on various corruption issues affecting the chiefdom. ACC F 111 New Storm ‘ACC sensitizes Rokulan residents on PNB campaign’. The Northern Region Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) has conducted a sensitization programme for residents of Rokulan Community in the Sanda Tenderen Chiefdom, Karene District. The programme which took place on 27 th September 2018, aimed at heightening public awareness in rural communities on the Pay No Bribe. ACC F 11 th October, 2018 112 Awoko ‘Ecobank staff presents evidence in Hajj - gate trial’. Head of Tellers at ECOBANK Micahe l la Goba testified on behalf of the prosecution in the Hajj trial; telling the court that the first accused, Sheka Sahid Kamara authorised for the opening of two bank ac counts on 21 st August 2017. She said he deposited 300 million Leones in one of the accounts, whilst he asked for the transfer of 300 million Leones into the other account bearing his name. News story F 113 The Examiner ‘Isha Johansen a disgrace to Salone football’. In the wake of the ACC stance on the suspension of Isha Johansen, the paper says the ACC indictee is a disgrace to the football discipline. Editorial F 114 Exclusive ‘Britain may extradite ex - immigration chief - ACC’. This is about reports th at the ACC is in talks with relevant authorities in the UK to ensure that fugitive former Chief Immigration Officer of the Immigration Department Alpha Kholifa Koroma is extradited to Sierra Leone following his arrest in the UK on money laundering allegati ons. Koroma is wanted by the ACC to help with investigation into the issuance of service and diplomatic passports to undeserving persons during his reign as immigration chief. News story F 115 Nightwatch ‘As State House blunders...ACC Boss embarrassed’. The paper claims that ACC Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq . , is embarrassed by the decision of the Chief Minister Prof . David Francis and Sports Minister Ibrahim News story F

6. 6 Management are in a confused state of mind following the threat by FIFA to suspend the country if SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara are not reinstated. 15 Nightwatch ‘Hajj gate...Victor Foh and five others make fourth appearance’. This is about the fourth appearance before Justice Reginal d Fynn in the Hajj matter involving former Vice President Victor Bockari Foh, former Mines Minister Minkailu Mansaray and others. News story F 16 Times SL ‘Agric & Health Ministries in 2.8 billion double dipping scam’. This makes reference to the report by the Systems and Processes Review Department which unearths a double dip ping scheme which has cost the S tate to lose 2.8 billion Leones . News story F 17 Blade ‘Finance Minister warns corrupt Gov’t officials’. This quotes the Minister of Finance Jacob Jusu Saffa as giving a warning to corrupt public officials that the Government will not take kindly to any official involved in acts of corruption. News story UF 3 rd October, 2018 18 Spectator ‘ACC Deputy speaks on benefits of membership status at IACA’. ACC Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies has spoken of the benefits of attaining a membership status at the International Anti - Corruption Academy (IACA) in Vienna, Austria. Mr. Davies was speaking after attending this year’s Assembly of Par ties of IACA in Vienna. The event saw the re - election of the Executive and Members of the Board of Governors of the IACA in line with Rule 22 of the Rules of Procedures for the Assembly of Parties. ACC F 19 Spectator Reverend Ibrahim Koroma, the National Coordinator of Youth in Drainage Clearing Project in the MINISTRY of YOUTH AFFAIRS Freetown and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Youth Cleaning Employment Scheme of No. 46 New Site Old Wharf Wellington, is declared WANTED by the ACC to assist wit h an ongoing investigation relating to corruption offences. ACC F 20 Spectator Vidal Wray, of No. 2 Bath Street, Brookfields, Freetown, an employee of the West African Examinations Council, (WAEC) Clerk I, Freetown is declared WANTED by the ACC to assist with an ongoing investigation relating to corruption offences. ACC F 21 Spectator ‘ACC engages IIMUN on importance of Assets ACC F

4. 4 ANALYSIS O F NEWSPAPERS CONTENTS FOR OCTOBER , 2018 NO. NEWSPAPER DATE & ISSUE CATEGORY F/UF /A Monday 1 st October, 2018 1 Cotton Tree News “ 50m Financial guarantee for exams reprobates... ACC detains ringleaders’. The paper quotes the Director of Public Education and Outreach Patrick Sandi as saying that the Commission has granted bail to the students arrested during the ACC raid in a private residence in Ab erdeen where they were engaged in examination malpractices by re - writing the WASSCE examination. News story F 2 Cotton Tree News ‘Sierra Leone’s supply side corruption’. The author of this article, Abu Bakarr Jalloh, thinks much attention needs to be paid to corruption in the private sector and civil society, as most times most of the efforts in the corruption fight are geared towards combating corruption in the public sector. Commentary F 3 Cotton Tree News ‘US Ambassador encourages ACC to remain s teadfast’. The US Ambassador to Sierra Leone Maria Brewer paid a courtesy visit to Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq ., in recognition of the work of the Commission and to strengthen the ties between the Embassy and the ACC. ACC F 4 Cotton Tree News ‘UK Commissioner encourages ACC to produce results’. The British High Commissioner to Sierra Leone Guy Warrington paid a courtesy call on Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. , admonishing the Commission to continue to work in the interest of the country. ACC F 5 Satellite ‘ FIFA threats...ACC unmoved’. In the wake of the ACC’s position that demands for the suspension of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara pending the outcome of their corruption trial, FIFA has written a letter demanding that the country reverses its decision; a development the paper says does not seem to worry the ACC. News story F 6 Soccer + The country’s laws must be upheld though the heavens may fall - says ACC Boss’. ‘This quotes Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala ’s response to the FIFA threats of banning the country if it fails to reverse the decision to suspend SLFA President Isha Johansen and Secretary General Chris Kamara who are facing corruption trials. The Commissioner said in a Twitter po st that the News story F

15. 15 69 AYV ‘PNB Campaign reaches Foredugu’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC conducted a sensitization meeting on the Pay No Bribe for residents of Foredugu Community, Buya Romende Chiefdom, Karene District. ACC F 70 AYV ‘FIFA suspends Sierra Leone Soccer Association’. This is about the suspension of the SLFA by world football governing body (FIFA) over the suspension of the President of the SLFA Isha Johanse n and General Secretary Chris Kamara who were indicted by the ACC. News story F 71 Guardian Post ‘Sierra Leone stands with ACC’. In the aftermath of the FIFA suspension of the SLFA, the paper says the people of Sierra Leone massively support the decision of the ACC not to back down. News story F 72 Guardian Post ‘ACC Kenema Office engages MDAs on development of a new strategy’. As the implementation of the 2014 - 2018 National Anti Corruption Strategy (NACS) ends this year, the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) office in Kenema on Tuesday 25th September, 2018 engaged focal persons of Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in Kenema on the review process of the current strategy and the development of the 2019 - 2 023 Strategy. ACC F 73 Guardian Post ‘ACC takes PNB Campaign to Foredugu Community’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC conducted a sensitization meeting on the Pay No Bribe for residents of Foredugu Community, Buya Romende Chiefdom, Karene District. ACC F 9 th October, 2018 7 4 Awoko ‘Spending in education yields no return unless corruption is addressed - World Bank’. The Country Manager of the World Bank Gayle Martin expresses the Bank’s commitment to fighting corruption, stating that the provision of social services can only yield dividend if the weaknesses in S tate institutions are addressed. News story F 7 5 For Di People ‘ACC takes PNB Campaign to Foredugu Community’. The Northern Regional Office of the ACC conducted a sensitization meeting on the Pay No Bribe for residents of Foredugu Community, Buya Romende Chiefdom, Karene District. ACC F 7 6 For Di People ‘Is Maada winning the genocide on corruption?’. The writer, Ibrahim Sourie Mansaray, makes reference to the speech of the President whilst he was addressing Sierra Leoneans in the United States. The President’s speech centred on his efforts to eradicate corruption. The Commentary A

17. 17 Integrity Management Committees (IMCs) of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in Kenema on the review process of the current strategy and the development of the 2019 - 2023 Strategy. 8 3 Nigh twatch ‘ACC schools Rokulan residents on the Pay No Bribe campaign’. The Northern Region Office of the Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) has conducted a sensitization programme for residents of Rokulan Community in the Sanda Tenderen Chiefdom, Karene District. The programme which took place on 27 th September 2018, aimed at heightening public awareness in rural communities on the Pay No Bribe. ACC F 8 4 Nightwatch ‘ACC ends corruption awareness campaigns in Sewafe Chiefdom’. The ACC Sub - Regional Office in Kono conducted a series of sensitization events in Sewafe Chiefdom, Kono District, on various corruption issues affecting the chiefdom. ACC F 8 5 Education Microscope ‘As WAEC on private WASSCE scandal...ACC releases 62 on bail’. This is about the release on bail of candidates arrested at a private residence in Aberdeen re - writing the WASSCE private examinations. News story F 8 6 The New Chapter ‘FIFA ban is tyrannical’. The author, John Mansaray, describes the suspension of Sierra Leone as tyrannical, especially so when the reasons for the suspension hinges on their ultimatum to restore SLFA President Isha Johansen and General Secretary Chris Kamara who are facing corruption charges. Commentary F 10 th October, 2018 8 7 Satellite ‘As FIFA ban upheld...Isha Johansen accused of double standards’. The paper makes reference to public reaction following the suspension of Sierra Leone by FIFA. Football fans and general public described the ACC indic tee as being insincere during the mediati on process at State House. News story F 8 8 Satellite ‘Ghana versus Sierra Leone AFCON match cancelled as FIFA ban upheld’. This is about the suspension of the SLFA by world football governing body (FIFA) over the suspension of the President of the SLFA Isha Johansen and General Secretary Chris Kamara who were indicted by the ACC. The suspension means that the pending back - to - back matches between Sierra Leone and Ghana have been cancelled. News story F 8 9 Awoko ‘ACC re - affirms its position over SLFA controversy’. This makes reference to the position News story F

20. 20 within its powers to address the problems within the discipline. 10 3 Nightwatch ‘Don’t implicate my client...Defence Layer’. This makes reference to exchanges between counsel defending the first and second accused in the Hajj trial Aruna Bundu - Conteh and H.M Gevao respectively and prosecutor of the ACC . During cross - examination of the A CC witness Joseph Noah, the counsel for the defendants insisted that prosecution team should not say things that will implicate his clients. News story F 10 4 Nightwatch ‘Is WAEC’s integrity at stake?’ Following the arrest of candidates re - writing WASSCE at a private residence in Aberdeen, the writer Mustapha Ezekiel Dumbuya, believes WAEC must work hard to redeem the institution of its bad image. Commentary F 10 5 New Vision ‘Hajjgate...Former Envoy received US $ 250,000’. This makes reference to exchanges between counsel defending the first and second accused in the Hajj trial Aruna Bundu - Conteh and H.M Gevao respectively and prosecutor of the ACC . During cross - examination of the ACC witness Joseph Noah, the counsel for th e defendants insisted that prosecution team should not say things that will implicate his clients. News story F 10 6 New Vision 3 rd Prosecution witness in Hajj corruption case will testify today’. Director of Prosecution Calvin Mantsebo says one Margaret Michaella will testify before Justice Reginald Fynn in the High Court. News story F 10 7 Prime Times ‘ACC in disconsolate mood’. The story claims that the Commission has been left dejected following the correspondence written by Isha Johansen in her capacity as President even though she is under suspension following her indictment by the ACC. News story F 108 New Storm ‘Corruption returns to FTC’. Students of the Freetown Teachers College are quoted as saying that since the appointment of Dr . Samba Moriba, lecturers have resumed the practice of selling pamphlets and demanding money in exchange for grades; practices the paper says the former Principal of the college Dr . Sahr Fillie stoutly discouraged. News story A 109 New Storm ‘Britain to extradite Alpha Kholifa Koroma’. This is about reports that the ACC is in talks with relevant authorities in the UK to ensure that fugitive former Chief Immigration Officer of the Immigration Departmen t Alpha Kholifa Koroma is extradited to Sierra Leone following his arrest in the UK on money laundering allegations. Koroma News story F

5. 5 country has gone through many tribulations and will not be bothered by a ban insofar as the SLFA matter is concerned. 7 Guardian Post ‘ACC to succumb to FIFA directives’. The paper explains the position of ACC in relation to the SLFA matter, stating that the Commission has vowed not to succumb to the FIFA threat of a ban if Isha Johansen and Chris Kamara are not re instated, stating that the ACC will only allow them to operate based on the outcome of their case in court. News stor y F 8 Guardian Post ‘ Corruption...FCC to come out clean’ . The paper accused the Head of Procurement at the F CC of awarding a contract for the supply of cleaning materials to people close to his cronies in return for kickbacks . The paper states that the ACC will soon launch an investigation into the matter. News story F 9 Prime Times ‘Corruption at Civil Service lessened’. The story states that the biometric registration of civil and public servants by the National Civil Re gistration Authority has gone a long way in reducing corruption in the public sector. News s tory F 10 Prime Times ‘How education can win the war on corruption in Sierra Leone’. The writer, Fomba Sheriff, says there is need for the ACC to put more premium on public education as a strategy to combat corruption in the country. Commentary F 2 nd October 11 Concord Times Reverend Ibrahim Koroma, the National Coordinator of Youth in Drainage C learing Project in the MINISTRY of YOUTH AFFAIRS Freetown and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Youth Cleaning Employment Scheme of No. 46 New Site Old Wharf Wellington, is declared WANTED by the ACC to assist with an ongoing investigation relating to corruption offences. ACC F 12 Concor d Times Vidal Wray, of No. 2 Bath Street, Brookfields, Freetown, an employee of the West African Examinations Council, (WAEC) Clerk I, Freetown is declared WANTED by the ACC to assist with an ongoing investigation relating to corruption offences. ACC F 13 Awoko ‘No official minutes from Hajj Committee meetings’. This quotes Senior Investigations Officer Joseph Noah as testifying in the Hajj trials that the re were no minutes of meetings by the 2017 Hajj Committee in spite of the authorization members of th e Committee made to withdraw huge sums of money from the Hajj accounts. News story F 14 Prime Times ‘ACC troubled’. The paper claims that ACC News story UF


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