An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

Contact us on: +23278832131 or info@anticorruption.gov.sl
Address:  Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown Sierra Leone, West Africa.


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2. CONDITIONS OF SERVICE : Attractive Please submit your Cove ring letter, CV and copies of certificates to the under - mentioned address not later than Wednes day 10 th January 20 24 . THE DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCE ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSI ON INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN Each application form should be forwar ded with two (2) passport sized photographs a nd copies of relevant documents. The Commission being an equal opportunity employer strongly urges females with requisite qualifi cations to apply and compete for the position on offer. Only short - listed candidates will be contacted.

1. JOB VACANCY ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSION JOB TITLE : DRIVER. DEPARTMENT : ADMINISTRATION LOCATION (S) : FREETOWN REPORTS TO: FLEET OFFICER MAIN PURPOSE OF THE JOB : To drive ACC staff on official duties and to upkeep and maintain the assigned vehicle. TASKS AND DUTIES:  To drive vehicles in and out of town on official errands.  To maintain a vehicle log book and ensure that the log book is filled correctly  To ensure that vehicles are always in good working order  To report all mechanical faults to the T ransport Officer  Any other duty that may be assigned by the Fleet Officer QUALI FICATIONS:  Must have attained Senior Secondary School (SSS1)  Must be a professional driver holding a professional driving license  Certificate in Motor Mechanic could be an adv antage  EXPERIENCE : At least three (3) years experience in a reputable organisation COMPETENCIES :  Ability to communicate well (use of communication equipment)  Ability to initiate  Ability to think critically  Professional driving skills Excellent commu nication skills


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