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PRESS RELEASE - ACC secures conviction in Kenema

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1. ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSION CATHEDRAL HOUSE 3 GLOUCESTER STREET FREETOWN SIERRA LEONE, WEST AFRICA 1 3th February, 2019 PRESS RELEASE ACC SECURES CONVICTION AGAINST FOUR PERSONS IN KENEMA The High Court of Sierra Leone, Holden in Kenema, and presided over by the Honorable Justice Ivan Sesay , has on Tuesday 1 2th February, 2019, convicted four former public officers for various corruption offences. Abubakarr Sidique Turay, former Accountant, Kenema City Council; Edward Kargbo, former Expenditure Clerk , Kenema City Council; Moses Koroma (alias ‘MO Jah’), former Tra nsport Officer , Kenema City Council; and Mathew Amara Sesay, former Social Worker , Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs, Kenema Office, were convicted on Twenty - One (21) Counts of Abuse of Office , and Misappropriation of Public Funds , contrary to Sections 36 and 42 respectively, of the Anti - Corruption Act, 2008. Between 2 2nd of July, 2011, and February, 2012, the four convicted persons misappropriated public fu nds amounting to Twenty - Seven Million, Five Hundred and Nineteen Thousand Leo nes (Le 27,519.000/00); being monies meant for the operation s of the Kenema City Council. Justice Sesay sentenced all fo u r persons to three years imprisonment to run concurrently; or pay a fine of Thirty Million Leones (Le 30,000.000/00) on each of the twenty one ( 21 ) counts. He further ordered that all four convicted persons are to make full payments of the fines as a condition for their release from detention. Meanwhile, the learned Judge acquitted Lamin Lumeh Mansaray, Regional Librari an Sierra Leone Library Board , Kenema, who was also standing trial in the same matter. The ACC was represented by Nigel B. Davies and Adrian B.C. Samuels. The Commission wishes to reassure the public of its commitment to ensuring that public funds are prote cted, and, where necessary, recovered. For further enquiries on this and other ACC issues, please contact Margaret Murray , the Public Relations Officer on +232 - 25 - 4 2 8 - 081. .......................................... PATRI CK SANDI DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH


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