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2. ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSION CATHEDRAL HOUSE 3 GLOUCESTER STREET FREETOWN SIERRA LEONE, WEST AFRICA TEL: 232 - 22 221468 FAX: 232 - 22 221900 Date: 17 th October 2014 PRESS RELEASE ACC INDICTS COURT CLERK AND TRAFFIC WARDEN The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) has indicted at the High Court in Freetown SIA ALPHA, a Court Clerk , attached t o Magistrate Court No. 10 , Siaka Stevens Street , Freetown , for Soliciting an Advantage , contrary to Section 28(2 ) ( a) of the Anti - Corruption Act of 2008. On 13 th June 2014, SIA ALPHA solicited and accepted the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Leones ( Le.200.000 ) in order to process the approval of bail for two defendants at the Magistrate Court No. 10 in Freetown. The accused will make an appearance in the High Court to answer to the charge on Wednesday 22 nd October 2014. In another development, the ACC has also charged to court a Traffic Warden, VICTORINO FAYIAH JOSEPH , attached to the Operational Department of the Sie rra Leone Roads Authority, for S oliciting an Advantage , contrary to Section 28(2)(a) of the Anti - Corruption Act of 2008. VICTORINO FAYIAH JOSEPH , on 31 st March 2014, solicited and accepted the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Leones (Le.150.000) to release a vehicle he had clamped at Fourah Bay Road. He was arrested after a sting operation conducted by the ACC. VICTORINO FAYIAH JOSEPH will appear in the High Court in Freetown on Wednesday 22 October 2014. ............... ........................ KOLONEH SANKOH (Ms ) DIRECTOR, PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH

3. ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSION CATHEDRAL HOUSE 3 GLOUCESTER STREET FREETOWN SIERRA LEONE, WEST AFRICA TEL: 232 - 22 221468 FAX: 232 - 22 221900 Date: 17 th October 2014 PRESS RELEASE ACC INDICTS CUSTOM OFFICER AND THREE OTHERS The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) has indicted in the High Court in Freetown , MESSRS AHMED KAMARA, AHMED TAMBAWA, AIAH MOMODU and ABDUL S. KABBA for offences bordering on Conspiracy to C ommit a Corruption Offence , contrary to Section 128(1 ) ( d), Fraudulent Failure to Make Payment of Custom Levy , Contrary to section 48(1 ) ( d) and Abuse of Office , contrary to S ection 42(1) of the Anti - Corruption Act of 2008. AHMED KAMARA , a Customs Officer attached to the Preventive Security Service Division of the National Revenue Authority and stationed at the main gate of the quay, AHMED TAMBAWA , Documentation Supervisor at the Freetown Terminal Ltd . ( Bollore ), AIAH MOMODU , a shipping agent and ABDUL S. KAMARA , a delivery Clerk for Kollenteh Shipping Services , all conspired to evade payment of Customs and Excise duties , by fraudulently allowing a container to leave the quay, leading to the loss of national revenue to the tune of Twenty Three Million, Four Hundred and Sixty Six T housand, Two Hundred and Twenty Two Leones, Forty Four C ents ( Le.23, 466,222.44 ) . All four persons will appear in the High Court in Freetown on Wednesday 22 nd October 2014. ....................................... KOLONEH SANKOH (Ms ) DIRECTOR, PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH

1. ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSION CATHEDRAL HOUSE 3 GLOUCESTER STREET FREETOWN SIERRA LEONE, WEST AFRICA TEL: 232 - 22 221468 FAX: 232 - 22 221900 Date: 17 th October 2014 PRESS RELEASE ACC INDICTS IMPERSONATOR AND EX - MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT The Anti - Corruption Commission (ACC) has charged to court one MOSES ALIE , a resident of Makeni, for Impersonating an O fficer of the ACC and A ttempting to Obtain an A dvantage contrary to Section s 76 and 41(1 ) ( a) of the Anti - Corruption Act 2008. On diverse dates in June 2014, MOSES ALIE , who claimed to be the ACC DEPUTY DIRECTOR in the Northern Province, and others unknown, made several calls and visits to the Principal of the Schlenker Secondary School in Port Loko, during which they threatened to arrest and prosecute the Principal for corruption if he fails to bribe them with the sum of Nineteen Million , Five Hundred Thousand Leones ( Le . 19.500.000 ) . MOSES ALIE was subsequently arrested by the Police and handed over to the ACC. He will appear at the High Court in Makeni on Wednesday 22 nd October 2014. In another development, the ACC h as also charged to court an ex - Member of P arlia ment representing Constituency 60 in the Tonkolili District, ALHAJI YAMBA THULLAH , for Misappropriation of Public Fund s , contrary to Section 36(1) of Anti - Corruption Act of 2008. Being a member of the Dimdim Youth Development Association ( DYDA ), THULLAH diverted from DYDA account to his personal account the sum of Thirty Eight Million Leones ( Le . 38.000.000 ) , being money provided by the National Commission for Social Action meant for the construction of Manewa - Mamaria Road , Malal Mara Chiefdom, Tonkolili District . ALHAJI YAMBA THULLAH will make his first appearance at the High Court in Makeni on Wednesday 22 nd October 2014. ....................................... KOLONEH SANKOH (Ms ) DIRECTOR, PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH


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